Bitter Memory

Detective Seiichiro is on a cargo ship arriving from Japan. He sneaks to spy on the mafia who are checking their illicit goods. He already had a COLT45 gun in his hand. Dozens of boxes containing gold and silver are neatly arranged inside this cargo ship or cargo ship. Detective Seiichiro and detectives from South Korea work together to suppress the Dojin-Kai mafia.

Suddenly, Detective Sei's walkie-talkie beeped loudly which made the mafias know his whereabouts. The burly mobsters were after Detective Sei. Detective Sei continues to run away, when trapped he shoots into the air which is heard by Detective Ryo and Detective Takahashi Shinsuke.

The two of them immediately ran towards the ship.

When they got to the cargo ship, they saw several men in black suits running around. They believe that the men must be after their partner, Detective Seiichiro.