The Prelude To The Generation Of Prophecies

Uuu ... Just four more months, I assured myself.

After I came back from Seikatsu Forest and told Kaa-chan about my possible training with them, we decided to change my training plan.

Since it was decided that I was to graduate early at the end of this year, the same time as Itachi, it will still be the same. Only instead of an internship at the hospital straight out of the Academy, I will be training under Akaharu-baa-chan first. Probably a year or two. Of course, with the acknowledgement of the Hokage.

So I had summoned someone to tell them my plan, instead of straight up going for training. Chii-chan, the red panda, was the one who appeared. I learnt that her name is Chiiko, but she prefers Chii. She said that since she was the one who is summoned first, she will be my main summon. When I was about to explain my intentions to her, she stopped me with a paw, "Nai, I'll take you to the forest, and you'll tell Baa-chan herself, kyu?"

"Okay then." Dreaming of fluff, I went to tell Kaa-chan that I'll be off to Seikatsu Forest for a while. "I'm ready! Let's go."

"Hai~!" Chii nodded, then reversed summon us to in front of Baa-chan.

"Ara, Chii-chan, girlie, you're back." She looked at me, "Have you decided?"

I told Baa-chan my plan, and she agreed that it is better for me to clear my schedule first.

"By the way, Baa-chan." I asked. "Is my summon red pandas?" Remembering that I had also seen badgers, otters, raccoons, ferrets, coatis, minks, ringtails, weasels, and probably some I have yet to see, in addition to red pandas.

"Ara, girlie. You don't know?" She looked at me with as much a perplexed face a red panda could make. "Do you know the snakes summon? Dog summon, perhaps?" I nodded. "Then you should know that they have different breeds within the summoning right? Like rattlesnakes, vipers, boa constrictors, and japanese rat snakes. And like greyhounds, shiba inu's, bull dogs, and pugs. Their summoner can summon anyone within their jurisdiction. But like other summoners as well, they have their own summon, like what Chii-chan is to you. But that doesn't mean you cannot summon me, or other inhabitants of Seikatsu Forest. You can do so."

Gasp. I can summon a fluff paradise.

I wonder if I should summon weasels in front of Kashi, remembering that I did not summon Chii in front of him. Hehehe.

"Thank you, Baa-chan! ... Ano ... can I hug you?" I looked up at her, twiddling my thumbs.

"Ohohoho ... no problem, come'ere." She chuckled and opened her paws wide.

With stars in my eyes, I dashed and glamped towards her.

Gwahhhh ... The fluff! Since Baa-can is gigantic, her fur matches as well. Each strand of fur is about an adult's arm length? Like, three to four kunai's lengthwise. Gasp.

After cuddling for more than ten minutes, with regrets, I had to let go of Baa-chan to return home. I bid her and Chii goodbye as I got reversed summoned back home.

And that's what happened months ago. I'm now pulling through boring classes with Shikufu and Hana, with just four more months till I'm allowed to graduate.

Woe is me.

"So you can summon weasels?" Itachi questioned.

"Yep! In addition to other fluffies."


Today is one of the weekends when Itachi comes over with Mikoto-obasan for lunch. Sometimes I do go over to their compound as well, but since ours is more ... empty, ours it is.

Mikoto-obasan had arrived not only with Itachi next to her, but her youngest son, Itachi's younger brother, a baby Sasuke.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" I slammed my palm to the floor and *poof* Chii and a weasel appeared.

"Hiyo, Kana!" Chii greeted me. "Nice to finally meet you, Hime-sama. This one's name is Kiroi." The light brown weasel spoke.

"Aa - hello Kiroi, nice to meet you as well." I greeted, and picked it up to give it a hug. Then, I held out Kiroi towards Itachi.

"Ne, Itachi. Look! An Itachi!" I cackled up, and Kaa-chan, along with Mikoto-obasan, laughed along with me. I took a peek at Itachi, to see him blushing. Hehe.

I also spot somewhere hidden on the rafters, a dark and moldy zone, with thunder clouds swirling. That you, Kashi?

Me and Itachi took care of and played with Sasuke, while Kaa-chan and Mikoto--obasan chatted away with tea.

I could not resist but held Chii towards Sasuke, and she booped and kissed his little button nose. Kiiiiiiii~! So cute ...!

While the little one's are messing about, with the second little but not so little one being gloomy, the two adults are gossiping village matters will drinking sencha and snacking on some momiji manju that the Uchiha matriarch brought along.

"Aa~ It's so peaceful over here ..." Mikoto sighed while sipping the tea.

"That's right, peace and quiet. Well, almost." Tsunade chomped on the manju.

"Ahahaha! Is Kanako-chan that much of a handful, Tsunade-sama?"

"You have no idea, you're lucky Itachi brat is a miniature adult."

"I'm not too sure ... Sometimes I do wish he would be more childish."

"Hope your wish don't come true, since now you've got a second brat."

"Hahaha. That's quite true." Mikoto snickers. "Ah! Right, if I remember correctly", she lowered her voice. "Isn't Kushina-chan's delivery sometime soon?"

"Mn." Tsunade nodded her head, and whispered in turn. "That's right. Me and Biwako-san, along with her aide, will be delivering her kid. Minato will be there for the ... seal."

"Hn." Mikoto nodded seriously with understanding. "I do hope nothing goes wrong."

"As we all do, as we all do." Tsunade sighed, and looked into her tea cup, hoping for the best.

Somewhere in a little estate ...

"Ne, Minato. You think it'll be fine?"

A blonde hair blue eyed man donning a pink apron wrapped his arms around the redhead woman, placing one of his hands on her very pregnant belly.

"Just rest, Kushina", Minato smiled at her. "Don't worry so much. Our Naruto will arrive safely with me around, okay?"

"En. I'll listen to you then", Kushina relaxed onto the sofa. "Right, you done cooking? I'm hungry again, dattebane~"

"Aa, hai hai, dear! Five more minutes okay? Here, have some of the side dishes first." Minato started zooming back and forth.

Kushina grinned while looking at her panicky husband, feeling that her life is filled with happiness and joy.

At the Sarutobi compound, in the living room of the Sarutobi estate ...

Hiruzen, the sandaime, is seen sitting on the couch smoking his pipe. Across him on the opposite couch is his old teammates, Danzo, Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu.

His wife, Biwako, walked in from the kitchen, carrying a tray of tea. She served the cups to the guest, and for her husband and her, and sat down next to Hiruzen.

"Biwako", Hiruzen asked. "Are the sites and setups prepared?"

"It's long done, Hiruzen. With the checks done by the fourth himself. Now, it's only waiting for the labor date." Biwako sipped her steaming tea.

Danzo spoke up. "I've got the ANBU formation planned out for security, and for any ... untoward circumstances, ready in hand."

"Well, with the forth adept in fūinjutsu, and Lady Tsunade herself aiding you, Biwako, I doubt we'll experience any hiccups," Homura added.

"We will still need to prepare for an emergency", Danzo rebutted. "For Konoha's sake, at least."

"Your worries are well founded Danzo. And don't worry Homura, it's just a precaution." Hirizen said.

"Hiruzen", Koharu spoke up. "During the labor, I think we should transfer Lady Tsunade's daughter, Kanako-hime, to your care over here. As Lady Tsunade won't be there to look after her, plus most of the security will be at the birth site."

Both Hiruzen and Danzo considered seriously. "Agreed. I will bring her over to stay once Tsunade goes over." Hiruzen agreed, and Danzo silently nodded.

All of them partook in the tea, while Hiruzen gave out a sigh.

"Anything we missed out on, Hiruzen?" Danzo questioned with a squint of his eyes.

"No, no. Nothing with the planning. It's ...", Hiruzen sigh once more, and rubbed his forehead. "It's just Asuma ..." Hearing that, Biwako sigh along with him.

Koharu looked over confusedly. "Your youngest? What's wrong?"

*Sigh* "Before I had handed over the hat to Minato, I placed most of my attention on my eldest. It seems that even after I had relinquished my position as Hokage, I had not given Asuma much needed attention as his father." Hiruzen, the old Hokage, looked weary as he recalled what his youngest son had said before he left.

Biwako patted him on his back. "Although it's too late to change what has passed, now that you no longer have the responsibilities of Hokage, you can learn to understand and love your sons more. Besides, Asuma has to learn to forge his own path, and understand the responsibility you had in a village as well."

Hiruzen patted her hand back in thanks, and looked towards his old friends. "Asuma left the village, after the notice that the Daimyo is recruiting a group of shinobi's to form something called the Twelve Guardian Ninja's. He said he want to prove himself ... something along those lines."

"Well, he's already at that age", Homura chuckles. "Plus, he is already jōnin at sixteen. So don't you worry, he'll be fine. Kid's his age always want to do their own things."

The five elderly gave out sighs, and continued sipping their now lukewarm tea.