So ... Nyu?

Chakra flowed with the gust of wind that came with the roar of the chakra beast, the Nine-Tails, or Kyubi.

While others had on determined faces while facing the monster, I on the other hand, knowing the background story of Kurama (or at least, the story version), felt conflicted on his impending reseal.

But all of a sudden, like as if through an epiphany, the ghostly red eyes made of chakra stared at her. "Huh ... I see. So that's what it is. Just ... This ... one time."

The red chakra coagulated, then seeped into the belly of baby Naruto, somehow ... willingly?



Them adults stared at the now empty space, and looked at each other questioningly. Baby Naruto just babbled, and I stared at nothingness while attempting to reduce my presence.


Then as if seemingly of one mind, they all turned towards me. Except baby angel Naruto of course.

Nuuuuuuu! Don't stare at me!

Gah. What do I do? Do I just ... tell them? But but but - I know Konoha, like other village's, hate the unknown. On one hand, Minato-nii-sama is Minato-nii-sama, but on the other hand, he is the hokage? Also, Sandaime the planner is still here, and Danzo is up and about. Gahhhh!

But, but ... this is real life. Right? And Danzo in this life seems ... okay?

My thoughts which are being over-processed made me unaware of Kaa-chan and the others calling out to me, and also not knowing that the outside ANBU has stared to flow into the cave, due to the sudden quietness.

And then I blacked out because of overthinking.

Kakashi POV

Kakashi who is part of the ANBU personnel guarding the cave entrance, sensed a familiar chakra popping into the cave.

"Huh ...? K-kanako?" Kitsune's eyes behind the fox mask widens.

"Hn? Kitsune, anything amiss?" Taka, the ANBU wearing an hawk mask beside him asked, after noticing his divided attention.

"It's just that Hokage-sama has brought in Sandaime-sama and someone else", Kitsune noted.

The ANBU's knew that if anyone, it's Yondaime Hokage who could blip in and out without needing the entrance. In addition to the fact that Sandaime appeared as well, it could be no one else but the current Hokage.

Next, before anyone knew, the Nine-Tails chakra flared.

All the ANBU's outside knew something went wrong, but didn't dare to go against orders. Plus, not one of them is proficient enough in seals to be worth a help in this situation.

Kakashi, however, since he recognized Kanako's chakra signal, felt worried. He tried his best to convince himself that there are two hokage's, and her mother, Tsunade, who is a kage level ninja, with her right now.

Minutes that felt like hours later, the Nine-Tails chakra dimmed, before it went away - presumably being sealed.

Kakashi is one of the first ANBU to rush in, only to see the petite figure of Kanako fainting.

He managed to catch her before she hit the rock hard floor of the cave.

What the hell happened here?

Um um.

Yep, I'm probably not awake yet.

Currently I'm in a black zone, with stars ... like in space? Is this in my mind?

I tried to will myself out of here and wake up, but to no avail. Guess it's not time yet.

Well, no better time to ponder on things.


Ok. Time out on the freaking out.

Real facts though. Firstly, it's not the same universe.

Tsunade did not have a child. Kanako doesn't exist. I did not exist.

Second, the attitudes and character's of people. Danzo and council co. aren't as bitchy nor 'dark'. Of course they're still cunning, they are the top dogs after all. But they just are not as ... unpleasant nor bad as when depicted in the stories.

It's impossible to factor it to the fact that it's not time for them to 'darken' yet, as in the stories, Danzo was already plotting and shadowy when dealing with Hanzo. And by now, Hanzo plotline is way over.

Also, most people life's are not the same as in the books. Kashi's father is still alive. Obito and Rin too. Orochimaru is ... good?

Thirdly, and the most important. As I've thought on the spot before I blanked myself here, does Black Zetsu exist?

The fight between Hashirama and Madara still happened. But nobody went to steal half dead Obito away. Rin was not caught and no tailed beast was forcefully sealed in her.

The most important point to note - if Black Zetsu does exist, the probability of Madara being alive but old is high. If Madara is alive, despite not attaining Obito, either Zetsu or Madara himself would have intervened when Kushina was giving birth. Or one of their 'sharingan-ed' cronies. But nothing happened?

So ... with all the hope and wishes in me, Black Zetsu may not exist? Meaning, there is no second or third party fighting to unseal or revive Kaguya? Probably, yeah.

On the other hand, Kaguya may exist. Because, chakra and all, ya know. Unless it's a natural occurring phenomenon? Like the earth's core or the production of gases and such? Hopefully the latter. Because if Kaguya exists ... then the future Momoshiki and Otsutsuki clan members will surface in the future.

But the birth of the tailed beasts? The Nine-Tails?

I guess I have to wait till I speak with the Nine-Tails, on whether he has a father named Otsutsuki Hagoromo, or he just popped into existence due to some accumulation of chakra in a particular area.

Cross my fingers that it's all due to pure science and not aliens.


Is producing fire or mud and blowing it out of our mouths science though?


White light blasted through my space. Oh, am I waking up?

Wait. I don't want to wake up! I just remembered how they all looked at me when the kyubi sorta talked to me ...

I have no answers for them!

Unless the truth ... But I myself don't even quite know the truth! Fiction or facts. Facts or fiction?!


My eyes opened widely as an incomprehensible word escaped my mouth.

The first thing my now opened eyes met is the shade of blonde hair that is my mother. I slowly inched my eyes away to take in other sights.

Uk. Another blonde, Minato-nii-sama? Why is he here? Go care for your wife and newborn child!

Geh. Said redhead wife is here as well, carrying said newborn.

I turned away more.

Nyo! Sandaime-jiijii here too?! Next next next ...

Guh. Jiraiya-ji too? He wasn't even there at the birth site!

Uhwuhh ~ I want Kashi and my Kachi!