She's Back!

Somewhere in Yu no Kuni, the Land of Hot Water ...

A blonde haired girl walked into the hot springs in the onsen ryokan. She is about five foot two, and those not knowing her age would think that she's of average height.

In fact, for a twelve year old, standing at five foot two, she would dwarf most of her peers, especially the females.

And when knowing her age, most people would think that laws and reality don't apply to her, as which twelve year old would have the approximate sizes of 82, 60, 100? Notably, as a certain toad sage would put it, 'THAT' 82.

But those knowing her and her lineage would just nod in appreciation and say, 'Yep, she's on her way to greatness'.


That girl is Kanako.

While not as grand nor prominent as her mother was at her age, she definitely is on her way to 'greatness'.

As Kanako the soon-to-be 'bombshell' sinks into the hot water, and stared into the misty night sky, she thought, "It has been four years ...".

The next morning at the inn, Kanako packed and cleared her belongings.

The Land of Hot Water was her last stop before returning to Konoha.

She can safely say that she had travelled all around the land in these four years. From the kingdom of Rōran that did not get destroyed in this timeline, to the infamous Oni no Kuni, the Land of Demons. From managing to sneak into Genbu, the Island Turtle, to vacationing at Cha no Kuni, the Land of Tea.

Of course, I did not forget to kindly and selflessly collect some information and data about the countries and their hidden villages along the way for Konoha ... *cough* *cough* bribery *cough* *cough*.

I don't plan on getting scolded or beat up by Kaa-chan. Or Kushina-nee. Or anyone for that matter.

Why not by Minato-nii-sama or Kakashi you ask? Well. Would they?


Kakashi though. I pondered.

On one hand, I have thoroughly gone through my thoughts.

On the other hand. Has he?


Guess I'll just go back and see.

The gate.

THAT gate.

It seems like all naruto fans do have one thing in common - seeing and walking towards the famous Konoha entrance gate in person.

It's not a joke but, in all my twelve years of life after arriving here in narutoverse, I have yet to either walk out, in, or through those gates.



I mean, I did get reverse summoned from home ... to and fro. No gates needed.

As I walked towards the entrance, I spy the famed sleepy duo - Izumo and Kotetsu.

Woah. Both Izumo and Kotetsu got stationed here this early? Aren't they still eighteen or nineteen? Huh.

Surprisingly, the sleepy duo door guards weren't as sleepy today, thus they noticed me.

"Identification", Kotetsu sounded. "And state your purpose of visit."

"Ah. Gimme a sec-", I fumbled for my identity token and papers.


Kotetsu took it, and skimmed from the top.

"Oh, so you're from the leaf ... hmm, why haven't I seen you before ... eh. Eh? EH?!" Kotetsu stammered and yelled.

Izumo tensed and went alert. "What's wrong?"

Kotetsu couldn't let a sound out of his mouth, so he poked a certain spot on the papers.

Izumo leaned towards him. "What, what ...", and saw what he pointed at.

"She ... She's twelve!" Kotetsu exclaimed.

"She's twelve?!" Izumo repli - no, exclaimed back.

"Mmhm", I nodded. "I'm twelve."

Both men looked at me, then looked down.

To my chest.

Oh. No wonder they were surprised.

*cough* *cough*

I startled both ninja's, and they straightened their posture, and looked at my face.

"Eh, wait. Why do you have that ...", Izumo concentrated on my forehead.


I can't help but exasperatedly tell them, "Guys, just look at my name."

Both pair of eyes moved to the name section on the identification papers.

""Senju Kanako ..."

"Senju?" "Senju!"


Such twinsies.

They looked at me. "You're Kanako-hime?"

I nod.

Kotetsu smiled. "I see ... Aa! Please enter. You can directly report to the hokage offi -"

"Nononono", Izumo interfered and stop Kotetsu in a haste. "You should see Tsunade-sama first!"

A light of recognition shone in Kotetsu's eyes. "Ahh! Right! Go see Tsunade-sama first!"

Both of them then proceeded to gesture me the direction of the Senju compound, and I sweat-dropped.


As I walked away, I can't help but overhear them behind me.

"You dumbass! You almost got trashed!"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks for reminding me."

*sigh* "At least she won't come by to hound us for news."

"Don't make me remember! Urg, being drunk and implanted in the ground is not a good memory."

Uh ... What did Kaa-chan do?

"By the way, she really does look like her."

"Yeah, especially those -"



"... yeah, those."

"You better not let the two of them hear you."

Hmm? Two who?

"But anyways, the princess is finally back!"

"And no drunken lady to take care of, no more!"

Kaa-chan ...

And so, here I go, on my way to the Senju compound, while taking in the sights of the new Konoha under Minato-nii-sama's tenure.

For one, there are definitely new taller buildings popping up here and there.

Also ... I zoomed my eyes in. Is that building really called Konoha Research Center? Guess I know where to find Orochimaru-ji if needed so.

The further I walk, the more liveliness I can see.

New blood and new minds really do make great progress for a village.

I internally applaud Minato-nii-sama.

I spot the Academy further down the straight road.

I can't help but think in a few days I'll have to report in as a genin.

Wait, am I considered a fresh genin? Will I be grouped with the kids?

Wait, the kids are the same age as me, right? Am I a kid?

I started confusing myself, as I neared the compound gates.

I stopped at the entrance, and lament to myself.

"Sigh", I glanced at the empty area.

The Senju's really are left with only me and Kaa-chan.

Suddenly, I'm plagued with guilt that I left her alone for four years while I went off to travel.

Pish. I tried to console myself that Shizu-nee, Jiraiya-ji, Orochimaru-ji, and Kushina-nee are there for her.

Sooner than I hoped, I reached the front door.

I took a deep breath as I pushed the doors open.

"I'm home!"