First Mission As Team 7! Sniff!

"I'm home!"

I shouted as I opened the door and strode into the living room.

"Aa - Kanako, welcome back. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Tonight, I made karaage and soba -", Kaa-chan paused, before continuing. "What are you doing?"

As soon as Kaa-chan had started speaking, I had inched up to her, sniffing.

"You ... you drank at least two bottles, during Minato-nii-sama and Sensei's visit?"

*cough* *cough*

Kaa-chan covered her mouth and coughed. "Well ..."

I hugged her from behind, "Don't worry, I won't be reckless, and Sensei is quite level headed, compared to you. Plus, my teammates seem to be quite okay."

That made her pause. "... Okay?", Kaa-chan gestured to me. "You're saying that having a Hyuga, a Uchiha, AND a Senju on the same team is okay?!"

I blinked, and mimicked her, wryly coughing, "Well, it seems to be so. But to be fair, today's just the first day. Our first mission together will be tomorrow."

Kaa-chan sighed. "Anyways, go and wash up. I will set the table in a moment."


I laid on my bed, facing the ceiling of my childhood.

'It's been a long time since ...'

I turned to my side, spotting Kachi the pup on the corner of my bed.

'I wonder what he's doing now ...'

These thoughts crossed my mind as I faded off into dreamland.


I stood by the tree in the courtyard at the Academy, waiting for my team to arrive.

It's not like they're late since there's still an hour until the meet up, but ... damn my internal clock.

"Gahhawuuu ...!" I gave out another yawn once more, and a tear escaped the corner of my eye.

I rubbed it away. "Ne, Sensei ...", I looked up to the figure slouching on one of the branches up on the tree. "I thought you would still be at home sleeping, but unexpectedly you're here early?"

"... I am getting more extra sleep here than back home."

"... I see." I snapped my fingers in realization. Of course - it would be Yoshino-obasan that would beat him out of bed at home. Hehes.

"You're pretty early yourself, Hime."

"Well, I guess I got used to it while traveling, sadly."

Sensei made a sound in assent.

Minutes passed in silence, and I closed my eyes from the bright sun rays of the morning light.

While I left to experience the Naruto world, at least before shit hits the fan with the probable future wars, deep down, I know I didn't want to leave here.

Unfortunately cars and speedy rails or trains is not an option for anyone residing in the shinobi zones.

So even if I wanted to plan a back and forth trip, it's not feasible.

Instead, I took the route of both Kaa-chan and Jiraiya-ji.

Each land does have their own charm. My favorite of course, are the hot springs and waterfalls. Call me a scenic person if you will.

Of course, as a Senju and a bit of Uzumaki, I just HAD to sneak into Uzushiogakure.

And I did.

Unlike in the anime or manga, seeing it in person ... does make a difference.

An eerie beauty, you could say.

Ruins of death, and chaotic whirlpools, yet the streams kept on flowing, allowing foliage to overtake the dead hidden village.

But no matter my heritage, or yearning of the peaceful life of travelling outside, I just had to come back home.

The people here ...

The wind and the land ...

And the trees.

While I do acknowledge myself loving Konoha, the remaining part of me that pulled me to the trees is undoubtedly the Senju blood.

... Or rather, due to bloodline awakening? Since Kaa-chan had no problem with it ...

I gave out a slight sigh as I breathe in the fresh air of the Konoha that I greatly missed, that carries the scent of grass and the forest and woods and cakes ...



Cakes ...?

I snapped opened my eyes and sniffed in the direction where the delicious smell came from.

Naori appeared from the gateway, entering the compound carrying an extra pouch on her hip.


Did I mention that now is around ten in the morning, nearing lunch hour?

"O-Ohaiyo, Naori-chan!"

"Ohaiyo, Kanako-chan."

"Ne, ne, something smells delicious coming from you." I acted dumb.

"Oh, I made an apple cinnamon cake with the apple yesterday. Want some?" She asked, as she opened her pouch.

I can't help but vigorously nod my head, but before I could answer, my stomach did the job for me.



*cough* *cough*

"I-If its all right with you, I would be glad to try one of your crafts!"

Naori gave a small smile as she hands me a small paper wrapped packet.

I opened it and the smell of sweet cake assaulted me.



*chew* *chew* *chew*


It's shooo good!!

It's sooo freggin sweet and tasty, so much so that I almost let out my ears and tail.

"This is very delicious, Naori-chan! The apples are so soft and nicely caramelized. Ahhh - I'm in heaven!"

*nyam* *nyam* *nyam*



Now, that wasn't my stomach this time.

Both me and Naori looked up to see a pretending to be sleeping Sensei, who sweat-dropped at feeling two pairs of eyes staring at him.

Me and Naori looked at one another, and we broke into giggles.

"Sensei", Naori called out. "I've got a portion for you as well, here!" She lopped the small package upward towards Sensei.

As a true and full-fledged jonin, Sensei swiftly and accurately caught the flying package with ease, using his well-honed skills, for very much the wrong reason.

"Oh, there's no need to, but I'll accept your good intentions. Thanks, Naori-chan."


Stop acting all cool, Sensei! Although you are!

Not too soon, Ko arrived, sniffing the area as well.

Wow, Naori's sweets sure is addictive.

And so Ko got his package as well.

When Ko finished his last crumb of cake, Sensei jumped off the tree and patted his pants.

"Okay, let's get a move on to get our first mission as team 7."