2 Mecha School.

[Android is starting]

Slowly Sky vision started to return, he could see 5 figures sitting behind a large table, the were dress in nice suits and the place looked like a very large hall.

By his sides he could see people of his age or so that were currently in the same situation as him, they were sitting, facing the strange five people while their hands were cuffed to the chair.

"What's happening, where am I?"

"How did I get here?"

"Get me outta here"

The noice became too much for the mysterious people to bare.

A dark huge man, sitting in the middle of the five, gave the person sitting by his right a slight nod.

He stood up immediately.

"ugh, ugh,ugh" He cleared his throat.

And there was total silence in the room .

"You all are here because are...well... special, let me put it that way, each and everyone of you, have certain abilities and it is our jobs to capture you and train you"

"Is that why you had us kidnapped" A boy from behind with purple hair and rough hairstyle asked.

"Yes....wether you like it or not, you don't have homes out there anymore, you should be grateful we got to you first"

A holographic display could be seen in the air displaying photos of young boys and girls.

"These kids died before the age of 18, reason; simply because they were like you... special" He paused.

"For years, An organization called LiveWire have been hunting and killing people like you, the only ones they pardon are people that have powers similar to them"

"Wait why are you telling us all this, if whatever you are saying is true, we didn't ask for any of this" Sky blurted and everyone in the hall seem to agree.

"So did Jackson, Perry, James, and almost two hundred kids that dies almost every year because they didn't ask for powers...you have been given an opportunity to learn and control your powers, to fight back and avenge the blood of your people" There was emotions in his voice and for a brief moment there was total silence in the hall.

"That's enough Rodriguez" The Man sitting in the middle said.

"We're giving you a choice, if you wish to go back home and die..... you're free and if you wish to stay and get stronger.....the choice is yours" George who seems to be the leader said.

Of Almost 50 people in the room, less than twenty believed what was said, the rest just believed they were talking nonsense and this included Sky.

"Very well" George said and those that chose to leave started to fall asleep.


[A skill is being used on user]

[Unable to block skill]

[User will shut down in 5....4....3...2...1]

[Power off]

Just like before, Sky dozed off.


[Android is starting]

Sky woke up exactly where he was taken, he couldn't remember much but he was sure something happened.

Getting up from the ground, he dusted himself and proceeded.

Turning around, he could a middle aged man holding an electric whip, he was dressed like a spy with gadgets installed all over him.

"Uhhh.....Hi, it's not Halloween is it?" Sky asked nervously.

The man let out a smirk.

"It's your death day" He replied.

Flipping his whip, he divided the trash can close to him in one go. Sky gulped.

"who are you and what do you want" He asked.

The man started coming closer.

"I'm your worst nightmare" Again, he flipped his whip, aiming for sky's head but he was able to dodge at the last minute, somehow he was able to calculate the speed of the whip and counter it but it wasn't easy.

[A lvl 8 LiveWire ability user has been detected]

[New quest received]

[Defeat user]



'Someone's gotta explain what's going on with me' Sky thought.

He flipped his whip again, this time aiming for his right foot. Sky slightly raised his right foot avoiding the whip.


[Would you like to copy ability?]

[Yes] [No]

'Yes!, Yes! Yes!'

Slowly an electric whip started to form in sky's hand, for a brief second,the man was stunned.

"That's impossible" He said.

"That's impossible!" Sky said.

"What kind of trick are you using kid, my reports says you're an Android ability user, why do you have my powers?" He asked.

To sky, all he was saying was just rubbish,he felt like he was in a dream and needed to wake up immediately.

"Well, I don't know how you did it kid, you may have my abilities but you don't know how to use it" He started displaying skills with his whip, flipping it here and there in a martial art pattern.

[Would you like to download skill?]

[Yes] [No]

'God I hope this is a dream'


[Skill has been downloaded, would you like to learn?]


In an instant, he was able to display the exact technique the man in front of him displayed.

The man was stunned, but without wasting time, he charged forward, swinging his whip like a crazy fellow.

Sky didn't know how but he was getting in the hang of everything, evading and attacking at the right time, it was as if his body was moving on it's own.

Balls of electricity was thrown towards Sky, be placed his left leg backwards, leaping in the air he performed an acrobatic that allowed him to dodge the ball but it wasn't enough as two manage to him, one on the belly and the other on his chest.

He fell down and getting up seemed to be a problem, he was totally paralyzed by the attack.

[Paralysis skill has been used on user]

[Unable to block]

"Such special child like you, pity you'll have to die young" He said as he walked closer.

[User is being threatened]

[Would you like to get help]

'Yes..... quick'

[A connection has been established between user and Mecha school]

[All voice and video would be seen]
