The Test

LIVEWIRE. An organization that oposes Mecha, they believe Mecha shouldn't have taken over the world. They are ruthless, they are savages, they show no mercy. For years, they have been hunting and killing people with android and cyborg powers. They would give those with their abilities chance to join them, some accept...some don't.

The rate of teens death over the last fifty has increased greatly, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but they all seems to be of the same age grade. 15-18. Later, death rate decreased and, they started to disappear. They were not forced, after giving them evidence of things that are happening to people like them, they would be given a choice, to stay or to leave. For those that choose to leave, they would make them forget what they had experience and leave them exactly where they were in when they had been captured.


In a meeting hall, there were close to fifteen chairs and a long table, there were two large chairs at the opposite of each other. Every single leader of the Livewire agency were present except for one, they all patiently waited for her for without her, the meeting would not hold. Although some were angry, they dare not utter a word for she was the founder and the most powerful person in the organization.

Among these men and women, there were presidents, senators, and other powerful and rich men that were at the top of the food chain but weren't entirely powerful as there was someone who controlled them now, this was the reason the hated Mecha and planned to bring him down at all cost. The matter got worse when they found out that people with powers similar to his existed. This was bad because if Mecha was to grab hold of them, his army would grow stronger, that was when another alien came forth, proposed the idea to them and they agreed.

A light-sknned, tall, middle aged women came in, she was wearing a red gown that was ripped from the knee down to the ankle. She walked in her head high, her golden blonde hair was swinging here and there and the shoes emitted powerful sounds as the room fell silent as soon as the saw her. She didn't look at anyone, she just went and sat graciously on her chair.

"I have important work, so lets get this over with" She said.

"I believe you know that Sky is now in their custody, we are now unable to track him" A man dressed in a decent suit said, he seemed to be the only one in her age grade. His hair was jelled backward, the black color matched his suit making him look both formal and attractive at the same time.

"We have always told you to bring him in since day one, but you refused now we've lost him" Frank said. A man that seems to be in his early 50s, he was supporting his hand with a walking stick, although people may think it was an ordinary stick, The electricity in it is enough to fry a normal human being to crisp.

"Did you just question my decision monseur Frank?" Regina, the head asked, her lips curved into a smile, but she was ready to kill someone.

"I would never" Frank flinched as chills ran through his spine, his hand shook and he almost fell from his chair.

"Good, because i have a reason for everything i'm doing, when the time is right.....Sky will willingly come to us. I know that one of you sent and agent to bring him in" Her face looked deadly this time.

Everyones face hold a look of denial, they knew what she would do if she found out who did it.

"I'll personally investigate the matter, and if i found out who did it,..." She didn't need to say it but they understood what she meant.

"We're at war, we can't afford loosing anymore agents. The school is probably teaching the students how to get stronger while we're here complaining of a child who pose no threat at all, now we've lost a level six agent....the way he died....made me believe that we haven't been training them enough" She complained.

"Maam, i'll personally double their training, there'll be no rest for no one" James, a man sitting near Frank said.

"Next time you wanna call should be for good news" She stood up and left.

Although everyone in the room shared a common enemy....they were also enemies of each other, they didn't speak to each other about their plans, they just stood up and left.



[New device detected]

[Would you like to grant device access to personal data]

[Yes] [no]

There was no response from the device, everyone was shocked as to why Sky's turn was taking too long.

[Yes] The pillar emitted green light. "Android user detected"

After everything was said and done, Sky turned out to be a level two Android user. A batch appeared chest, indicating his level.

Otto took his time to explained how everyone's powers worked. For cyborg and Livewires, he didn't take much time to explain it to them or answer individual questions. All cyborg users have the same powers, they are able to make their body mechnical-like, and they could form certain objects with their bodies. They are stronger and faster although, most Livewires are faster than them. Due to the fact that Livewires control electricity, they were able to move through them at a great speed, they are the most dangerous and their powers can cause destruction. All this were restricted to them due to their levels.

A level 3 livewire can't be compared to a level 4 or above in terms of control and strength, the level 4 would be able to control more and move faster than the level 3. In terms of levels, 1 and 2 are like heaven and earth, the probability of a level 3 beating a level 4 is very low, nonetheless, it's not impossible.


Lunch time, Sky was alone in the cafeteria, the food he ordered looked and smelled delicious but there was no apetite, just yesterday he was living a normal life and today he was in who knows where. His parents? He was sure they did not buy what was given to them, he couldn't imagine how worried they must've been.

Sky was lost in thought, he didn't realize how long bryan has been waving for him to come join him. A paper was thrown at him, raising his head, he saw Bryan waving for him to come over, as he was about to stand up, his upper body slightly stretched outside the table and he felt a sharp pain in his nose as a knew hit him with full force, he fell on the floor.

After regaining his balance, Caleb looked at Sky on the floor, his heart filled with rage, he was a cyborg user who was also known as one of the bullies of their school. He raised Sky up from the ground.

"Didn't your parents teach you some manners?" He asked.

"You were the one walking without looking" Sky said. This made Caleb angry. He threw him down with full force, every one the the area suddenly turned to them.

No one would dare come between Caleb and anyone, they were afraid that he would catch them later, although there were people stronger than him.....they didn't bat an eyelid at the scenario.

"Little brat, when i'm done with you, you'll beg to go home" He said while cracking his knuckles.



[Caleb Punk]

[Level 5 cyborg user]


[ New quest received.]

[ Defeat Caleb.]


[ Instant lvl up]

Sky rose up, he staggered a little before gaining his balance. He had a bad feeling. Even if he doesn't know how strong he was, he knew that in reality a lvl 2 has no chance against a lvl 5.

He didn't have time to think as Caleb's hands hardened, a blue metal glove covered his hand. He slammed his fist together and only the noice alone was enough to Know how strong the metals were.

"Oh boy" Fear was visible in Sky's face.


Caleb charge in, he didn't care where or what he punched, he just wanted to make sure that he injured this brat in front of him.