What a group.

The students were going to take a combat class to train them on their fighting skills, it was important to know how to fight, especially the Android users. Some of their powers are not very useful in battle. They would have to learn to fight and unlock the premium level armour, the armor was far stronger the the cyborg body enhancement itself.

They were all with their groups but they barely spoke to each other.

Sky was late, so he looked around for his group but couldn't find them, he didn't even recognize their faces, he was hoping he would see his roommate so he can indicate his group.

"Hey dummy" Kiss called as she was saw him looking around, he turned around to see a short golden blonde haired girl, her blues eyes was staring at him, she was slim, curvy and beautiful, she wore her inner vest and hung her jacket above her shoulder making her look somewhat masculine.

""Aren't you supposed to be in our group or something?" She said. She was standing with the other girl Emily, she was also a Blondie, average height and looked shy all the time with her glasses on, one could tell that the class bored her.

"Umm" He was trying to guess her name but his system did the work.


[Kiss Carson]

[Level 1 cyborg user]

"Hey" He went over to the both of them.

Kiss crossed her hands.

"Why did I have to be in a group with such people" She was the saucy type and Sky just realized that, he didn't want to be in a group with this kind of person either.

"Where are the others" He asked.

"They're probably wandering, like you were 10 seconds ago" She said.

Sky opened his mouth to say something but immediately stopped himself.

The class was going to begin in two minutes, although just like kiss, he didn't care about the others, he was just trying to avoid being called to represent the group. He had read before coming that each of them was going to spar with one another. He didn't want to be the first in his group to be called.

"Is this group F?" A tall, handsome boy said as he approached them, they could see he was wearing makeup, as soon as he got there all their faces started to heat up, it was as if he had casted a spell on all of them.

"Yes" Emily replied, she was the most affected as she couldn't resist looking at him with a smile.

"Good... I'm your leaders" He said as he stood along side them. They all turned to him but he didn't bat an eyelid on anyone, he just stared at the empty fight ring in the middle of their large class.


[ Kyle Harkins ]

[Level 2 Cyborg user]

Sky didn't say anything, he just waited patiently for the class to start.

Sky spotted Bryan, he just came from the door. He couldn't help but wonder where he was coming from. He was sure he saw him leave the room earlier and he was just coming now. Although there was no reason to suspect, he still had a bad feeling.

'Its just my guts' He thought.

Bryan stood with them and didn't say anything, not that they cared, non of them liked each other and they weren't sure if there would be any likeness in the future.

"Good morning...Your combat class will now begin, I'm you combat teacher Xavier Hollow" A tall man dressed in a white Karategi said, he had a black belt wrapped around his waist.

"Is this some kind of Karate class?" Sky said in a low tone.

"Today I'm going to teach you the basics, punches, kicks.... whatever.." He said.

The class was interrupted as two men dragged a boy in, he was sweating profusely and his uniform was rumpled, his face looked red like he had been slapped multiple times.

"We caught him trying to escape" One of the men said as the harshly let him go.

In one glance, the teacher was able to tell who he was.

"Tom Goodfellow, were you admitted here against your will" Xavier asked.

Tom felt compelled to tell the truth.

"No.....but I don't like it here any more....I wanna go homes" He was whining like a lost puppy.

"Great... I'm stuck in a group full of psychos" Kiss said. All eyes were currently on Tom.

"You can't leave here until you graduate and ghat would be ..." He pretended to think about the answer.

"That's right...when you learn to control your powers" He laughed.

The laugh was quite sinister and the students couldn't help but wonder if he was truly evil.

"You may go now" He order the men.

"Please proceed to your group" He said.

Tom the walked over to his group.

Kiss was looking at him with disgust, she felt bored, how would they place her in a group of people that were so.... uhh. She couldn't find the right words.

"So pair up, from your group, give yourselves a good distance and do as you are told" Xavier said.

"Now as the group leader, I'll pair you guys up....Mrs glasses, you're with Mr douchebag over here" Kyke said pointing at Tom.

"Who the hell are you calling a douchebag bag, dummy....hey better idea why don't I spar with you" Tom said angrily.

"The leader has spoken, as the leader I can't..." He stopped as he noticed Bryan had paired up with Emily and Sky with Kiss. Kiss hated the pairing, but she would rather be with Sky than to be with one of those two.

"I guess you're stuck with me" Tom said as he got in a fighting stance.

Not just Tom, the lot of them had gotten in a fighting stance, There was a group with 7 people. So he asked one of them to be his partner as he gave them an example.

After telling the girl what to do, she also got into a fighting stance. She threw and light punch and he dodged, then he raised his leg, give her a kick which she also dodged, they repeated this a few times. The aim was to teach them from the scratch.

They all followed what the teacher did. Although it seemed very easy, most people were finding it hard to do it, some would fall while trying to kick, some couldn't raise their legs properly, some punched their opponents.

Xavier stood at the middle of the ring as he watched what was happening. He sighed.

"This can't be good" He said thinking about the work he was going to do.


The weather was fine, the sun was up, the gentle breeze moved in harmony in the quiet compound where a large, grand mansion could be seen. In one of the room, a woman and a man was busy enjoying theirselves. As she kissed him and rubbed all over his body. His suit was make her uncomfortable, she started removing the suit, unbuttoning his shirt and unzipping his pants. She kissed him uncontrollably. They kept making out and suddenly they heard the door bell.

"Go away" She yelled.

It continued and she slid into her gown and slightly opening the door. There she saw one of her servant holding a small that says "For Mrs Carolina Tate".

"For you ma'am" He said handing over the box to her.

"She widened the door and collected the box" You may go now.

'Who would deliver this to me, I didn't order anything' She thought.

She began to unblock and she was shocked at what she saw.