Returning to School.

''Huff... Huff...'' Ichiro's athletic and semi-muscular body was drenched in sweat while he was training in a spacious room located in the mansion.

''T-Towel,'' Azura said shyly, while her eyes didn't leave his eight pack.

''Thanks.'' Ichiro took the towel and wiped his sweaty body.

The spacious room looked like a gym with weight plates, benches, dumbbells, workout racks, kettlebells, bars, and storage racks.

'They have even their own gym... I want a house like this in the future... Maybe when I get my fucking money!' Ichiro grimaced— he hadn't forgotten that System was keeping his money as a hostage.

But he has a feeling that System might be right.

Getting too much money at an early phase will make Ichiro more tempted to laze around and enjoy a luxurious life.

That's why most of the families don't allow their younger generation to use any of their wealth— they need to reach an acceptable level in Martial Arts first.