Unfamiliar Battle!

Ichiro looked at the clock on his phone, and the time was currently 23:57.

Three minutes until he can leave.

The party was still going as hard as in the start, maybe even harder now.

No one knew how, but somehow the young men and women got their hands on alcohol, and most of them became completely drunk.

He has mostly sat on his couch for the whole party, while almost every minute someone comes to ask him for a dance or go do some more daring stuff, but he didn't even bat an eye.

Erik was still sitting on the same couch, but he felt like Ichiro was his comrade. He thought Ichiro was introverted like him. That's why he is trying to stay away from other people.

But that's not quite true.

He was being extremely annoyed that he had to be in this shithole called Underworld City while he could be with his girlfriend.