Is he confessing?

"I did not call out for you at all!" she protested. "I did not even mention your name, how is that even possible? Okay, so I admit that I did think of you but only for a moment! Wait, does that mean you can read minds?"

As it turns out, no, he can't read her mind. He explained that he had merely felt her strong longing for him so he came over to check on her. He didn't want to send Lim as it was late night, actually early morning, and it's not appropriate for Lim to come in when she's sleeping.

"I was only teasing when I said I heard you, little Zi, obviously you missed me," he said.

She exhaled in relief. For a moment, she thought he could read her mind. All the things she had thought, all the insults she had secretly hurled at him in her mind. It would be absolutely mortifying.

He frowned at her.

"Why are you sitting here watching a movie? It's 3am, you should be sleeping," he said.

She shrugged. She didn't want to tell him that she couldn't sleep and that she missed having him beside her.

"Did you miss me so much that you can't sleep without me?" he asked. It was uncanny. It was as if he just read her mind again. She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

"Don't flatter yourself, I am not used to this house, it's new after all," she said flippantly.

He shrugged and continued to lean casually against the back of the lounge, his tall lean frame relaxed and so enticingly close to her.

"Okay, if you say so…I'll go then, you better get to sleep, it's not good to stay up so late watching…" he looked at the TV and at that moment, the couple on the screen are tearing each other's clothes off, kissing, fumbling on to the bed and moaning loudly.

Thorin turned to her and lifted an eyebrow.

"You know…we can always do that…you don't have to watch others fake doing it on some lame film," he said.

She quickly turned off the TV, feeling her face reddening. Damn the show. It was all talking and tears and crying earlier and suddenly the couple made up and are going at it when Thorin is here. Perfect timing you stupid show, she thought.

"Ahemmm…I'll go up to bed now," she said, getting up and smoothing her pyjamas self-consciously.

"Do you want me to come along?" he asked, grinning lasciviously.

She scowled at him.

"No. I am going to sleep, ALONE," she said, stressing the word alone.

He merely shrugged.

"Okay fine. I'll walk you to your room and accompany you till you fall asleep…is that okay?"

She nodded.

She was touched by the offer.And also secretly glad for the offer. She was actually dreading going back to her room alone and lying on her large bed alone. With Thorin here, she did not have the urge to check on all her doors and windows.

She felt safe.

Once in her room, she left the door open and climbed up into bed. Thorin came in and closed the door behind him. He flicked a finger and the air conditioner cranked on, blasting out cool air.

He sat down on the empty side of her bed and put his feet up.

"I'll sit here till you fall asleep, I promise I won't touch you if you don't want me to," he said.

She turned to her side, facing him. He was lying down now, his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. It was comforting to have him here.

"Thank you Drags…" she murmured and yawned. Her eyelids drew shut and soon she has floated off into a deep sleep.

Thorin lay there for a long time, watching her sleep. He stretched out and touched her cheek briefly.

"My sweet little Zi, sleep well," he whispered.

Then he was gone.

Zi Mei didn't even stir. She slept till late morning and woke up to the sound of a doorbell ringing. That was strange. She had not installed a doorbell yet. She had forgotten to install one. She sat up blearily. Whose doorbell is ringing if she doesn't have one? It sounded strangely like it was coming from inside her house.

She turned to look at the clock. It was almost eleven in the morning. Another hour to noon. She stretched. She felt well rested. She had not slept so deeply since…she averted her thoughts. She doesn't want to think about the passionate nights with Thorin which led to…she quickly push this thought into a box, locked it, shove it into the dark recesses of her mind and promptly forget about it.

She went downstairs to investigate the sound. It was even louder downstairs. So it seems she now has a doorbell. It must be Thorin, she thought. She hurried to the door and pulled open the inner door to see Darren's face through the louvres of the outer door. When he saw her, he stopped pressing on the doorbell.

"About time! I thought you told me to come over so that we can go to the college together so that you can apply for the course you wanted," he said.

She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Sorry, I overslept…again," she said. She stood aside and let him in. He entered and she closed it, locking it before turning to him.

He is looking at her oddly. Scratch that. He is looking at her chest and then he blushed and turned away.

She suddenly realised she is still in her pyjamas. Her thin satin pyjamas in which her nipples are protruding clearly. She sleeps braless. She crossed her arms on her chest.

"I er, better get a shower and change first, just make yourself at home," she said. She quickly ran upstairs without waiting for his response. She really didn't want to give him the wrong idea. It would not do to lead Darren on. He is her oldest friend and since they can never be together, she has to make sure he knows that.

After she has showered and changed, she hopped down stairs. Darren is sitting at the living room, watching TV. He looked up when she came down.

"Let's go, it's almost lunch time," he said.

She smiled at him. This sounds like her old friend Darren.

"Sorry, let's go," she said.

She walked past him but suddenly he reached out and held her hand.

"Zi Mei," he said.

She turned to him, surprised. She looked at their linked hands. He didn't let go but held her hand tighter.

"I have something to tell you," he said nervously.