Chapter 10:  testing the abilities

After I woke up, I went to look for something to eat but there was nothing in the cave, so I went out to get some fruit for breakfast but as I arrived at the spot where there are fruit trees I was able to see a boar that was around four hundred meters away, I was able to see it despite the fact that there was many trees between me and the boar, I was extremely happy that our suspicions were accurate, so I picked up the fruits and went back, as I arrived at the cave I found that James just woke up, we ate our breakfast and after finishing it I told James about the dream and that it confirms that the marks can give more abilities, he said with a big smile on his face "what are we waiting for let's go test what you got from the marks" I stood up and said "let's go, and by the way I already confirmed the ability of the eye mark this morning" and as I said that he started asking for a detailed explanation, for your information before we were dragged to this island James was so obsessed with super powers, so now that he got the chance he want to see it all, so I didn't argue with him and just told him everything, and after I answered all his questions, he said that there is still the other mark to test, I was terrified as I knew that he would try everything to know what is the ability and what are its limits, we went to the forest and he told me to look for an animal, the first thought that came to my mind was "he still wants to test the eye mark ability" , I started searching until I found three rabbits near each other like a hundred meters away, I told him and without hesitation he said "go see how much closer you can get near them until they notice you", I did what he said because I already expected him to say that, and started sneaking near them, they didn't notice me until I was directly behind them and my shadow covered them, at that moment they  ran away, so in conclusion I discovered that the stealth mark gave me the ability to hide myself completely, and I won't be detected until I show myself or do something obvious like showing my shadow to them.

             I returned to where James was waiting me , and told him what happened, he was happy because this way we wouldn't need to make anymore traps, as I can just go hunt the animals directly, so We returned to the base and he stated searching in our stuff until he found Leo's metal knife, he started sharpening the knife using a hard stone until it was very sharp to the point it can injure you a little just by touching it sharp side, and he gave it to me and told me "let's go hunt a little, I want to eat meat tonight" I agreed and we went to the forest but it wasn't as easy as we thought because even if I was able to get near them to hit them, we needed to kill them in just one hit, and after I missed three preys because of the same reason, I tried hitting their legs instead so it can't run, first I did it to a deer I was following but the knife wasn't enough to give it a serious wound so it ran away, but it was enough for us to catch three rabbits easily, so we went back to the cave and ate until we were full.

           But while we were eating and having fun in our base, someone was unconscious in another part of the forest.