Chapter 006

It has been three days since the day this year's yearly examination ended.

Today, was the day examinee's receive a letter through the mailbox from the league. In the Eclairè househould, the family were huddled together on the living room table, staring jointly in maximum graveness on their faces, at the same innocent piece of paper that was placed on the center.

This letter contained Clan's results in the exam and would determine how high he placed. Clan was in anticipation and was very worried. He steeled himself and decided. "I'll open it."

Clint and Noraima nodded, seriousness shown on their faces for their son. They placed an arm on each of Clan's shoulder, cheering for him to do it. They also couldn't wait to see how well their son did, generally by recieving a letter this early as notice would show he passed the exam and was qualified in the top hundred. Nevertheless, even they knew how important it was to be placed higher than the rest of this year's qualifiers.

Ranking in top three signified a person, according to the order from top to buttom, could choose one of the regional starters as their starter pokemon, except for the third ranker though, since he didn't really have much of a choice since basically what was left from the three pokemon would be his, since the other two would be picked by the two person ranking higher.

Regional starters were rare and highly prized pokemons, as everyone knew among their own region.

On the other hand, ranking outside the top three doesn't mean you will recieve a shitty pokemon, it will 'greatly be less' exotic, sure. But, don't underestimate it, for example one of the most common pokemon distributed around the league for trainers, were the species, geodude, which would eventually evolved to a pretty damn powerful pokemon, golem.

Golem, are lethal to a trainer's battling arsenal if used and trained correctly. Furthermore, all the pokemons that are being handed out are personally raised and trained by their respective regional professor, to be ready and have enough moveset in to be a starter pokemon.

Either way the reason for the PRTE was to entitle someone as a new trainer, which then they would recieve their Trainer ID so they are eligible to carry a pokemon in a pokeball, in their possesion, according to the rules set the by the Pokemon World League.

You can decide to gain a starter from your regional professor. Those who decided against it, the other new trainers will either recieve their starter pokemon from their parents, breeders or from a gym leader on the condition that they would become, said gym's gym trainer.

Each gym leader is also a specialist of a single certain typing. In fact, if you choose to become a gym trainer, the wise choice was to pick a gym that specialised in a typing you preffered.


The stench of anticipation and the tension around the whole living room was through the roof. When Clan's hands pried open the letter and unfolded it with trembling hands, his body turned stiff after speed reading through the words that were written.

Clint and Noraima held their worried gazes on their son, when they saw him taking an unusual amount of time just staring blankly and was still as a rock, they couldn't help themselves but talk.

"So..." said the brunette woman, clenching her hold on to her husband's hand. "How did you do, son?"

It took a second to get a response from Clan, he turned towards them with an unreadable expression worn on his face. "I... Take a look for yourself, mom."

He showed them what was written while his face was slowly masked with the biggest grin plastered possible.

'Examinee Clan Eclairé, the Pokemon League of Sinnoh, would like to express our appreciativeness on your achievement in placing second [#2] in this season's Pokemon Regional Licensing Examination, we granted your application in becoming a trainer since you passed and is eligible enough to be entitled as such.'

'Professor Rowan will be expecting for you to retrieve your Pokemon Trainer License on the day of this month's 23rd which is three days from now. Since you passed this examination placing within the top three, you gain special privilege on choosing a starter pokemon from our regional professor, for further information please approach the professor... Congratulations and best wishes for your pokemon adventure.'


Noraima covered her mouth as tears rolled down her eyes. Clint bear hugged his son, who was so happy he spun his son around.


Clan didn't care if he goes dizzy or sick from the rapid spinning, his face was beaming in happiness right now. He did it, He finally did it, Clan thought. He was very content on his rank. For this past days, he was worried he wouldn't manage to be within the top three but all the hard work was worth it, since he did it in the end.

Clint carefully put down his son, he patted his shoulder very proudly. Noraima practically teleported at his side and ensnared him with a breathtaking hug while gibbering words like "Oh! My baby boy!" and "We are so proud of you!"

And it was true, they really were feeling so much proud for Clan. They were elated on their son placing so high.

Clan laughed merrily for who knows how long with his parents. The whole family were over the moon for the rest of their morning. In this instance, Clan would say, this was the happiest day of his life.


The air of Twinleaf Town, was coolly clean, perfect and refreshing. As Clan stepped outside, he couldn't think of a better afternoon than this.

Clan decided to visit his friends at their house, he assumed that they already also recieved their report letters. He was in no doubt they are included in the top hundred, at any rate he was eager to know how high they placed.

As he rode his bicycle, he found himself slowly taking in the surrounding. Twinleaf Town was a place he had always taken for granted. Apart from Barry's father who was the the Battle Brain of Sinnoh's Battle Frontier and Dawn's mother who was a Top Coordinator at the top of her career, Twinleaf was nothing special, and even if it was a substantial place, he was perfectly used to it, having lived here his whole entire life.

How coincedental though for his childhood friends both having amazing parents that were the only two current most successful trainer in town. While he, coming from an ordinary family and an ordinary place managed to befriend them, they met through their parents when they were just kids, Barry and Dawn often fought with each other while Clan would act as a peace maker between the two and it had always been that way ever since.

It was odd, he found himself noticing the place more. On that tree he passed by, was the tree Barry and Clan climbed up to avoid and hide from an angry Dawn when they were young. On that playground, a few years ago, the three of them would frequently play together with some of the town's kids. Now that Clan knew he was leaving the town soon... everything suddenly feels so... different. He remembered the places in ways that he never had before. He appreciated the places that he had spent his whole life taking for granted. Every single tiny little detail suddenly becomes enormous, as though it was suddenly the most important thing in his life.

"Hey, Clan!"

The teenage boy turned to see his childhood friends, Dawn Berlitz and Barry Palmer also riding their bike, Clan guessed they also decided to visit their good'ol buddy'ol pal eh? Clan's face immediately brightened upon seeing them.

"Yow, you guys!"

They gathered around after parking their respective bike on a stand. Clan smiled at his friends and said. "I see that you guys also have recieved the letter, eh?"

Dawn and Barry both looked at each other and nodded. Dawn was the first to talk about since it seems neither of the two boys planned on sharing first. "My mother's glameow opened it before both me and my mom could even notice it already in the mail. Luckily, she didn't ripped it apart with her sharp claws or we would have been in the dark for who knows how long. Oh... by the way, I was placed #8. How about you, Barry? What rank did you achieve?" Dawn asked curiously, to be honest as long as she was ranked higher than Barry, she wouldn't be sad about being topped by Clan.

"Ughhhh, how come you got rank #8, Dawn! I was sure I would be placed higher than you! I'm ranked #10. Did people in the league even scored my papers correctly? I'll gonna fine them if they failed to do their job correctly!!" Barry was frustrated, he scratched his hair with both hands very irritated by being bested by Dawn.

"I highly doubt the league would make such a mistake, Barry. Porygons, handle the scoring through their cyberspace, remember?" Clan interjected.

"Why are you so sure you would be placed higher than me anyways, Barry? Are you implying you're smarter than me?" Dawn narrowed her eyes on Barry, she snickered at him fiercely.

Barry colored a bit and looked away, muttering under his breath. "...just because your mom keeps on teasing Clan into tutoring you every moment doesn't mean you can murkrow over me..."

"Did you just called me a murkrow, Barry!?" Dawn literally jumped like a cat on to Barry and began shaking him side by side like a large bell.

"Now, now, guys, that's enough."

Clan seperated the two by pulling Dawn with difficulty. Clan sighed at this woman, how could she be so fierce, she literally made Barry puke from that.


Barry wiped the gross saliva off his mouth. He turned towards Clan. "You still haven't told us anything, dude. Did you rank low, that made you too embarrassed to talk about it?"

"Stupid, Clan studied much harder than us and he even tutored me personally, how can you be so dumb." Rasing her arms plus shaking her head, Dawn giggled and sighed.

"Shut up! or else I'm gonna fine you." Barry growled, trying to act angry to which Dawn retorted by sticking her tongue at him. That worked as another ticked mark pop up on his head.

"Guys, you really should stop..." Bitterly smilling at them, Clan was incapable of imagining a day for this two hanging out together without him. He kind of have been their babysitter. Without him beside them supervising them, they would be literally aiming at each other's throats, but it's all done halfheartedly, they didn't really have such serious heated arguements with each other.

"Seriously though, Clan. What rank did you got?" Dawn asked.

Clan smiled while facing them. "I ranked second."

The two noctowl tilted their head for a second before his words registered to their brain.


"Second? Dude!!"

"I'm so happy for you, Clan. This calls for a celebration, haha! Free chocolate milks, right?"

Clan, Dawn and Barry laughed together. Clan stand corrected, this is the happiest moment of his life.