Ch16:Pull Of ALFRESCO The Floating Restaurant

Vastav walked down the stairs and headed towards Paanbazar in search of the unknown terminus. A peculiar whizzing sound surrounded Vastav's audibility region as if the sound of thousands of crickets in a very low vibration blocked his hearing power.

He continued walking by the footpaths and had a strong struggle in recognizing the letters written on a signboard.

"Kya Babu, would you like to have a hair cut" a man with an inviting smile inquired. Vastav didn't speak a single word and looked at the mirror. He turned back and read in his mind, WESTERN BOOK STOREHOUSE. Once

again he looked in the mirror

It happens to us sometimes that we are fooled by looking at the images of something and it comes to our knowledge instantly.

But for Vastav all his common sense withdraw and a strong belief grew inside him that there is a laterally inverted world..... a mirror world generating parallel with the corporal world.

The stronger this belief took its dominance the stronger grew the belief that the lateral world can connect him to Bahurja. He sat on the chair on the saloon and had a haircut and a message. "Sahab Rs. 75". As the barber spoke, a car collided with a book, and the sound caught everybody's attention. The barber rushed out and Vastav realizing that his pockets were empty, silently crept out from the spot.

The belief of the existence of a laterally inverted word captured all his brain cells and jammed his concrete conscience.

Vastav entered a big shop "Elektro World" and straightway sat on the manager's chair. The pull of death though became weak as Vastav left the metallic zone but didn't end.

"Hey you, rascal, get up, I know chaps like you, you take the benefits of your innocent looks."

The robust man with deadly looks held him tightly. " I'll call the police".

Vastav couldn't make out what was going on, nor he could make out that the robust man was the owner of Elektro World.

It was almost noon and Vastav once again started experiencing a strong magnetic pull.

The human body is a perfect conductor of energy, the sun is the main source. The human body starts waking up from the atomic level as the sun rises gradually in that particular area.

The body increases its energy from dawn, becomes maximum at noon. The energy level decreases slowly and slowly from noon and finally becomes low enough to make a body lose consciousness and lost into his dreamland in a deeper level of sleep.

The same universal phenomenon was governing Vasu's present situation. With the rise of the sun and with the passing of the day, he became stronger, stronger enough to break the death chain.

He released himself from the magnetic pulls off the metallic area but as the day was heading towards evening and night, his energy dribbled.

Vastav left Elektro World hastily and roamed the whole Paanbazar like a vagabond and tried everything he could to find….. who he is? ….where to go? The pathetic condition of a psyche lost mentally and spiritually in the space.

The hue of the sun faded into the limitless horizon. Vasu continued walking and noticed several shadows waking on the road. His vision grew hazy. Suddenly a bright light caught his attention and a familiar sound put his mind consciousness again. The tapping of the waves of the Brahmaputra. Vasu moved ahead reluctantly and reached the edge of the footpath. The bank of river Brahmaputra on the right of Machkhowa, where lies a heavy metal deposit, the heavy metallic floating restaurant 'ALFRESCO' and many tiny boats made of metals finally attracted the self hypnotized magnet …..Vasu.

Vasu walked down the footpath and found himself surrounded by the chilly December breeze. He went straight to a small rock, sat there with the lower portion of the legs merging into the mud. His brain null to give him a life-saving command. Suddenly, he remembered the incident at 'Chakreshwara Mandir'  that morning.

"I am risking my life once again", Vastav struggled to get his legs out of the mud but his shoes got struck. "Leave your shoes Vasu, and be prepared to detach yourself from your beloved possessions", whispered a voice within him.

With naked legs covered with mud, he headed towards 'Alfresco'.

Vastav saw an idol of the upper portion of a man, on the manager's table. The idol was so designed that the brain was totally visible and had a deep crack on the left side. "At the end of the combat, I got this, I will work in this new world to make an earning".

Once again Vasu mistook the restaurant as his own and sat on the manager's chair.

An ambitious guy like Vasu had a strong wish of becoming a great man and got attracted by the self-created mirage.

Vasu noticed a group of people heading towards him and another group staring at him. "Their blood-red eyes resemble the eyes of the auto driver. I didn't understand the hidden message in his eyes. These all are a dead man and I will have to escape".

Vasu opened his shirt and threw it in the Brahmaputra, banged his head on the table, and roared like a lion. "This place is my Karma Bhoomi, it pulled me towards it, I'll not leave this place." His fate or it's his madness which was depriving him of all his possessions one by one, first his bedding, his suitcase, purse, mobile, his shoes, and now, his shoes.

All that makes a man a civilized beast, which differentiates from an animal is snatched away from Vasu. Why?  Was he such a sinister whose judgment can't be given by the worldly system where nature had to interfere?