The world

The being after she finished her thought she had gone to create the playground(the world)​first she created the template(empty world)​ then she created the basic elements,starting with wind(atmosphere, gas, etc.), earth(ore,dirt, mineral, etc.), then fire(lava,flame, etc.),and the last of four basic elements​ water(liquid, moist, etc.). After the four basic elements were created she distributed them across the land.

In the north lies the snowy mountain where the temperature are always freezing.

In the northwest is the deep sea the place that so deep like looking into the abyss itself.

In the northeast where the tundra are found.

In the west which is the calm sea looking very peaceful.

In the east where lush green forest are found.

In the south is the volcanic region with big volcano in the middle.

In the southwest is a desert.

In the southeast where a misty forest lies.

And last in the center is a plataeu.

Then she created life and place them in each region so start the beginning of the world.

Year 0001

-by book history about the world