Father and Mother's past

My life did not change much for some days : trying to level up my hypnosis in the day and in the evening , I did my physical training as well as the feeding of my gluttonous sister who needed 2 or 3 rations until one day while I was going to train my magic with mom.

"Why do you want me to practise the hypnosis spell mother?" I asked, a little angry.

"Honey , I know you want to perfect your spell but right now you should learn other magics as you need to get stronger and perfecting your spells are way too much time consuming."

She then sighed, approached me , placed her cold hand on my head ,crouched next to me and looked at me in the eyes, she was so close that I could feel her breath, which reeked of blood, and she started speaking:

"You know the outside world is not a peaceful one , you might be in security here , but outside it's another story, even more for us vampires."

'As If I did not deduce that from the fact that you had me to kill people everyday since we started our training mother.'

Acting clueless , I looked at my mother and asked her:

"Why is it more dangerous for us mother?"

"Silly boy " she said while looking amused "why do you think your father is always gone, he needs to defend our kingdom against those filthy races that want to kill us ." said mother with a glimpse of hatred in her eyes.

"Filthy race ?" I asked while tinting my head

"Yes honey , humans , elves , dwarves , mermaids , beastmen and those trashes of bird." She said not hiding her hatred for them while speaking.

"Why are they filthy mother?"

Sighing , she got up and went onto the couch and beckoned me to come next to her.

"Come honey , I guess I should tell you more about us before we continue our lesson."

As I sat down, she started speaking.

"1500 years ago, there was a vampire , Astaroth Ashes ,he was known as the strongest vampire that had ever existed , he was your father ancestor , he founded a kingdom for the vampires , even though it was little , it was recognized as the third major force of our world, the others being the federation and the Demon's empire. Many said that this brought unbalance to the world, but it remained still a strong force even with the passing of Astaroth.

But 250 years ago , cowards appeared , fearing for their lives , they turned to the federation, betrayed their kind , destroyed Astaroth heritage and allowed them to come into our territory , was ensued was a massacre , some clans surrendered to the enemy , others tried to run."

At this point she became emotional, and I could see sadness in her eyes.

"The name of my clan were the Purebloods , we were only second to the Ashes clan , we were the strongest mages of the vampire kingdom, my clan and I were running with the Ashes clan as we could not fight such a force with only our 2 clans , but soon the enemy catched up to us as the uncle of your father betrayed his clan , we were surrounded by those filthy races that could only use tricks to beat us, as we were ready to fight to the death , my father and your father's father told the young generation to run away and lives ."

At this point a smile formed on mother's face.

"Yet before we left , those two greasy old men married me and my father and told us that we could not go against it as it was their dying wishes."

Her smiles disappeared .

" So, we ran away with a handful of our clansmen, for a long time we had to run every day as we were being hunted down the more years passed the more our number diminished and before we knew it your father and I were the only ones left, in total , we ran away for 221 years ,we had lost our friends and family, our only hope was that your father became a God."

"A god ?!?" I exclaimed myself before knowing it.

" Yes honey , gods are people that can face a country all by themselves, they've a different aura compared to normal people " she said while caressing my hair

"But I never felt anything from father?" I asked puzzled.

"of course , he restrains himself here as it would scare everyone " she said with a warm smile on her face.

"so to continue our story , after 223 years your father became a god and thus gods of the federation would soon come to kill us , fearing this , your father wanted me to run away but I refused , no matter how he begged me to leave , I refused and so we stayed together , waiting for our doom, but before any of the gods of the federation could come , the demon emperor came to see us and offered a place in his kingdom to your father , seeing an opportunity for me and him to lives , he accepted, At first your father had a bad reputation and was not liked by the other 2 gods of the Demon's empire, we also learned that many vampire ran away into the Empire but they did not recognize your father as their leader anymore even if he became a god, your father was given a territory and we settled there, but soon after , war broke out between the Empire and the federation , your father and I were on the battlefield , we took this opportunity to avenge our family and friends by killing all those insects , be it the elderly or the young every last one of them died , as for the woman , another fate awaited them, especially those stupid birds"

Said my mom with a cruel smile.

"Your father and I gained recognition in the war, we were now respected by the people, and we gained the friendship of the two other gods , even the Demon emperor was impressed by your father and gave him the title of the third king of the empire along with the two gods. Being now a king , your father and I had more time for ourselves and so we though that it was about time that we rebuild our clans by having children ."

She said now looking at me sweetly.

"So, we had your sister that was named Nissa , Nissa was from my clan , she was a bit clueless, but she was very cute and my only friend, and then we had you who was named after your father's brother who had escaped with us. Unfortunately, both of them died during an ambush of those trashes of birds . The funny thing is that your sister looks more like your father while she is named after someone of my clan while you're named after your father's brother, but you inherited more from me." She said while patting my head.

Sighing deeply, she then added.

"So now do you understand why I want you to get stronger honey ? in case something happens to your father and me, I want you to be strong so that you can live and help your sister."

Seeing how serious she was , I could only nod.

"Don't worry mother , I will become powerful so that I can protect you."

"That's not going to happen if you only want to train your hypnosis!" she said hitting the back of my head while laughing.

"So now we're going back to the training lesson , and no hypnosis today !"