A skill

The next day , everything was normal, but right before diner , my mother started to speak to me.

"An envoy from the birds will come in 6 days to get to those two back, we can have a good bargain for it so don't kill them." .

As mom said that I could see the duo relaxing as for me , I was a little annoyed since did not find any way to contact them once they were gone.

After having finished my blood , I waited for Nissa to leave before asking mother:

"Mother, is there a way for me to contact someone , no matter how far they are?"

As I said that , a dangerous gleam went through mother's eyes

"Is this to contact that angel girl?" she asked , fixating her eyes on me.

Feeling an enormous pressure coming from mother I could only stutter:

"Y… y… yes … but…"

"I knew it" she said under her breath , "I don't want you to have any contact with any of them anymore , they will remain in their room until the envoy gets them back."

"But mother…" I tried to tell her that it was not for the reason she though, but she did not want to hear anything.

"This matter is closed, and I don't want to hear anything about it , those dirty birds always go for such underhanded tactics , I should not have given them to you even if you asked."

"But…" I tried to retort , not wanting to drop the matter but before I could voice anything , I could see my mother snapping her eyes towards me , her eyes were glowing red, and anger was apparent on her face.


"Wh… why am I in my room ? wasn't I speaking with mother just now?" I said , looking confusedly around me

I tried to remember what happened , but the only memory I had was my angry mother looking at me.

'Could she have mind controlled me?' I asked myself.

I got off my bed and tried to go out , but once I was closed to the door , my body stopped moving.

'She really did use hypnosis on me ' realizing this , I sighed and went back on my bed. As I could do nothing about It ,I started training my mana regeneration .

After some time, I could hear a knocking sound on my door but before I could say anything , the door opened , I could see mother opening the door with a conflicted expression. She entered the room looked at me who was watching her with a confused face and then sighed.

"Listen honey , I'm sorry , I should not have used hypnosis on you even If I was angry. But you should not trust any angel , they're worst than a plague , now I don't want to hear anything about those two who were your servants , they will remain in their room from now on and you won't have any contact with them. Is that clear."

"But mother…" I said trying to say once more what I really wanted, she was driving me crazy not wanting to listen to me but if I wanted her to listen, I had to remain calm.

"IS.THAT.CLEAR?" she asked as her eyes glowed red again .

"Yes mother…" I said , defeated , it seems like I will not be able to tell her what I want …

"Good honey , I will see you tomorrow for the lesson." She said with a warm smile , leaving the room.

As soon as she left , I sighed and went to sleep.

The next day , during our lesson , the man died under my blood control ,I was surprised as I thought it would still be a boring day with screams, but after 30 minutes , the man fell to the floor , never to get up again.


-1000 exp

-10 stats points

-Learning booster pill (a pill that will increase the learning speed of a stat of your choice by 20%)>

After that notification ended, I pill appeared in my right hand, afraid that mother might have seen it , I casted a glance towards mother but she was looking surprised at the man who just died , so I took the opportunity to hide the pill in my pocket.

The new quest notification popped up , but I could not read it as mother started speaking to me:

"It seems like you grasped a good control over this spell, now you should try to use healing blood and blood control at the same time."

"I already tried but I can't… is it really possible?" I asked my mother confusingly , I already tried once during one of our lessons , but I failed so I abandoned the idea , but now mother was telling me to do it.

"Of course, honey" she said with a smile, "you're talented , but you also need to work hard ,you won't succeed at everything first try."

As she finished speaking , another human slave entered the room and my training resumed, I tried to ask mother about some advice but the only thing she responded was:

"Try to find it yourself" with a smug expression.

At the end of the day , I did not have any advancement, so mother had me kill the slave before going to have dinner.

After dinner, I was finally alone in my room, and I could check the quest I received after completing the last one:


-15000 exp

-100 stats points

-Upgrade shop.>

Upgrade shop? I asked myself what is that?

'This… this system is getting better and better, but how can I create my own skill?'

As the system did not answer my question , I took the reward I got from my last quest , taking out of my pocket , I could see that it was a yellow pill .

Before ingesting , the user must select one stat ,this pill will boost the speed at which the host can develop this stat by 20%

Warning : this pill can only be ingested by the host>

'The most logical thing to do would be to ingest it for Int ' I though to myself 'but I kind of want to be a fighter as well…' not coming up to a decision , I decided to keep it in my pocket for the time being and that I would ask mother the next day for her advice.

The next day ,during breakfast ,I asked mother.

"Mother do you think I could become a fighter as well." She turned her head towards me ,surprised by my question but before she could talk Nissa opened her mouth while laughing."

"You a fighter ? *pffff* you want to be a fighter ? someone as weak as you?" after she said that she could not hold her laughter anymore and started laughing , hitting the table with her hand as tears formed at her eyes.

"Nissa ,honey please calm yourself." My mother said calmly to Nissa then turned to me, "Honey , you can't be a fighter, your talent lies in magic , and do you remember what I told you yesterday?"

"That I'm talented but I still have to work hard?" I said begrudgingly.

"Yes, you should focus on magic honey , fighter Is not the way for you."

After she said that , I did not try to pry anymore , I was feeling down as I really wanted to be a fighter and as if it was not enough , I could see my sister launching me mocking glares , but I decided to ignore her.

While mother and I were going to the lesson's room , I asked her.

"Am I truly that weak mother?"

"of course, not honey , you're very talented and you will be stronger than me in the future ." she said as she turned to face me and put her hand on my head.

Seeing that I was down from what happened during breakfast, she continued.

"You know , a mage is rare , and even more one who can learn spells as fast as you ."

"Then , If I fought with Sister, who do you think would win?"

Surprised by my sudden question , she took some time to think about it before responding:

"If you used hypnosis and took her by surprise , you would win but if you use hypnosis on her while she's waiting for it or if you can't use hypnosis you would lose."

'But I already used hypnosis on her ? how could she resist it' I asked myself in my mind.

"Why would I lose if she was ready for me to use" I asked mother, confused.

"We mages , use mana as the source of our power but fighter have another resource called lifeforce, fighters can use this energy in their bodies to protect them from hypnosis and other spells affecting their minds or body , as an example, blood control would not work either." She told me as a matter of fact.

"Do you have lifeforce mother?"

"Yes, every living being does honey. Your question should've been "can you use life-force beautiful and incredible mother?"." She said with a big smile, waiting for me to say it.

After some time where she was only watching me, not backing off and waiting for me to open my mouth , I reluctantly asked her:

"Can you use life-force beautiful and incredible mother?"

As I said that , a giggle escaped her mouth as she covered her mouth with her hand, she looked extremely cute doing so and I could not stop myself from looking at her.

"Yes, I can honey , even if I'm mainly a mage , I trained in the fighter's way with your father."

"Then why aren't you training Nissa as well " I asked her.

"you father has already teached her everything he knows, he did not impart her any skill as he wants her to find them by herself." Said mother while pouting.

"Father has already finished teaching her?" I asked her surprised .

"Yes honey , you know , your sister is talented as well , she wanted to go out of the house to go and see the world, but your father wants her to create her own skill and masteries it before she leaves."

"Creating her own skill? " I asked mom as I did not expect an opportunity like this.

"Yes honey, strong people do not use skills other's created , a skill you created is a skill that suits you , it will define who you're and its strength will be decupled as it is you who created it. As an example , the skills I created are blood control and healing blood that you're learning right now." She said as a proud expression appeared on her face.

"How can I create my own skill mother?" I asked her expectantly .

"Oh honey , it's not for now , a fighter only needs some inspiration and a good control over their life force to create one , but us mages , we need experience, you need to feel the mana, understand it ,and you need to learn other skills to do so. It took me 64 years to create blood control and 32 to create healing blood."

"64 years?" I blurted out.

"Yes honey , that's why I want you to focus on magic as it will take a long time before you can create a skill, now let's not waste time anymore ." she said as she turned her back to me and started to walk again.

'64 years… I don't want to wait this long to get my skill , I need to create my skill to unlock the shop… there must be a way' I though to myself but suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my mom as she spoke while walking in front of me.

"Oh and when you will be able to use blood control and blood healing at the same time you will teach it to Nissa."

"W…Why ? isn't she a fighter." I spoke while stuttering as I was surprised by the fact that my mom wanted me to teach my sister something.

"Yes, but since it's my skill , I want both of my children to learn it , at first I wanted to teach her myself but since your relationship isn't really good , I want the both of you to grow closer using this opportunity."

"But mother…" I tried to argue

"there's no "but" , my mind is already set on the matter." She said cutting me.

As I could not say anything , I accepted my destiny , then reminded myself that I could indeed use this opportunity to grow "closer" to Nissa.