chapter 32: we have to keep going

[saito standing on top of the prison]

Saito: I wonder where they went?.

[saito looks around]

Saito: if i was hiding where would i go?.

[saito gets a call from inaba]

Inaba: do you know where they could have gone?.

Saito: not yet i'm trying to find them.

Inaba: Well, I'll give you a hint.

Saito: ok.

Inaba: on one of my cameras i saw them run into the mall on the left side they could be hiding in there.

Saito: ok, I'll look there.

Inaba: Great, don't disappoint me.

Saito: I won't.

[inaba hangs up]

Saito: the mall huh?.

[saito jumps off of the building]

Saito: I guess I need to act like a lost citizen just in case they see me?.

[hatano,yadara and narimo run to the convenience store inside the mall]

Hatano: Are you sure it's in here?.

Narimo: I believe so, I saw it here when me and yoichi went to get food here.

Hatano: ok.

[hatano,yadara and narimo go into the bathroom]

Yadara: why would there be a sewer entrance in the bathroom?.

Narimo: I'm not sure, but we need to hurry.

[hatano opens the sewer entrance]

Hatano: Come on, hurry.

[yadara and narimo go inside the sewer]

Yadara: What about you?.

Hatano: I'm coming, just give me a second.

[hatano hears someone on the roof of the mall]

Hatano: Watch out, I'm coming down.

[hatano gets inside the sewer and closes the door]

Yadara: Now what do we do?.

Hatano: I'm not sure.

[hatano starts crying]

Yadara: are you ok?.

Hatano: I'm fine.

Narimo: Then why are you crying?.

Hatano: It's just why did yoichi have to die, what did he do to be killed like that.

Yadara: I'm not sure but I believe he did that because he wanted to protect us.

Hatano: I know, but I can't get the look yoichi gave me out of my head.

[yadara and narimo look at hatano surprised]

Yadara: what do you mean?.

Hatano: He gave me the same look that he gave me when we first started dating.

Narimo: Maybe he was hoping that you would remember him like that.

Hatano: no!, knowing yoichi he probably knew he was going to die so he gave me that look one last time so i could have a new start in life!.

Yadara: why would yoichi do that though?.

Hatano: he probably thought that after i got mad at him that i hated him so he decided to risk his life to give me a new start with another person.

Narimo: I don't believe yoichi would do that.

[saito hears hatano talking]

Saito: Well, they didn't give me much of a chase.

[saito knocks on the sewer door]

Saito: Is anyone in there?.

[hatano looks at yadara and narimo in fear]

Hatano: run.

[yadara and narimo look at hatano surprised]

Yadara: what?.

Hatano: I said run!.

[yadara grabs narimos wrist and starts running deeper into the sewer]

Yadara: come on!.

Narimo: ok.

[saito opens the sewer door]

Saito: I found you.

[saito uses his organ strand to stab hatano]

Saito: Now where's the other two?.

[narimo looks back and sees hatano's dead body]

Narimo: hatano?.

[narimo screams in agony]

Narimo: hatano!!!!.

[saito smiles]

Saito: yes, keep screaming so i can kill you two!.

[saito chases after yadara and narimo]

Yadara: narimo!, run faster we have to keep going.

[narimo looks at yadara concerned]

Narimo: Are you ok?.

Yadara: Of course not, I'll deal with it later just right now we need to keep running so we can survive.

Narimo: ok.

[yadara sees the end of the sewer]

Yadara: we're about there just a little more.

Narimo: ok.

[yadara looks behind him and sees saito catching up]

Saito: I'll slaughter you two like pigs!.

[yadara and narimo run out of the sewer]

Yadara: narimo, get out of the way!.

[narimo tries to run but saito catches her with his organ strand]

Saito: Finally I caught you.

Yadara: put her down!.

[saito smiles]

Saito: Sure thing.

[saito throws narimo into some debris]

Yadara: You'll pay for that!.

[saito laughs]

Saito: What are you going to do about it?.

[yadara stares at saito with dead eyes]

Yadara: I'll kill you.

[saito smiles]

Saito: if you want to try you can.

[yadara runs at saito using his executioners strand]

Saito: Well, it looks just like your sisters.

Yadara: come on!.

[saito smiles]

Saito: ok, if you ask for it.

[saito uses his organ strand to stab yadara in the chest]

Yadara: That doesn't work on me.

[saito looks at yadara surprised]

Saito: how, how do you not have a heart?.

[yadara laughs]

Yadara: when my saviours strand enhanced my heart it made it a pure executioners strand which took away my heart to make more strands.

Saito: how is that possible?.

[yadara laughs]

Yadara: Here I'll show you.

[yadara uses his executioners strand to rip off saito's head]

Yadara: see?, oh wait, I forgot you're dead now.

[narimo runs to yadara]

Narimo: Are you ok?.

[yadara laughs]

Yadara: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Narimo: oh ok.

[yadara points at the prison]

Yadara: we're here the moment we've been waiting for.

Narimo: Well, come on, we need to hurry.

Yadara: ok.

[narimo uses her oppressors strand to blow a hole in the entrance of the prison]

Narimo: Here, now come on.

[yadara and narimo run inside the prison]

Yadara: why are there arrows painted all over the place?.

[narimo points down the hallway]

Narimo: I think Inaba wants us to go somewhere.

Yadara: Do you think we should follow it?.

Narimo: honestly no, but if it's for mom I'm willing to risk my life.

[yadara smiles]

Yadara: Well, if you're willing to risk your life, so am i.

[narimo smiles]

Narimo: ok, well let's go.

[yadara and narimo run down the hallway following the arrows]

Narimo: I think there's a room ahead of us.

Yadara: ok, when we get there get ready because we dont know whats in there.

Narimo: ok.

[yadara and narimo run into a arena like room]

Yadara: What is this place?.

Narimo: it looks like an arena.

Yadara: i never thought that the prison had a room like this]

Narimo: they didn't, I guess Inaba built it when he started hiding out here.

[yadara and narimo hear a muffled voice]

Yadara: who's there?.

[the lights turn on and they see mazato]

Narimo: mom?.

Yadara: mom?, what are you doing here?.

[mazato looks at yadara and narimo in fear]

Mazato: kids, run!.

Yadara: why?.

Mazato: It's too dangerous here, you two have to run while you still can.

Yadara: we're not going anywhere.

[inaba laughs from an above balcony]

Inaba: the children of mazato kusake nice to finally meet you.

Yadara: What are you doing with our mom?.

[inaba smiles]

Inaba: oh, just try to bring out the truth.

[yadara and narimo look at inaba surprised]

Narimo: what truth?.

Inaba: the one that destroyed the city hall a few years ago.

Yadara: why would you want to know about that?.

Inaba: because it helps my experiments with strands, someone with a power as strong as your moms can't just come from anywhere.

Yadara: So what?.

[inaba laughs]

Inaba: mazato! I'll give you the count of ten to tell the kids why you destroyed the city hall!.

Mazato: I can't!.

Inaba: Ok then.

Inaba: ten..

Inaba: nine..

Inaba: eight..

Inaba: seven..

Inaba: six..

Mazato: [sigh] ok fine!.

Mazato: Kids, the reason I destroyed the city hall was because I was forced by the government to kill your father.

[yadara and narimo look at mazato surprised]

Yadara: Wait, why?.

Mazato: because your father wasn't a businessman he was actually a leader of a project to expose the illegal use of strands and the government didn't like it so they put him under execution for exposing government secrets.

Narimo: So they just decided to kill him like that?.

Mazato: Sadly yes, they made me use my executioner's strand to kill your father so I knew to never expose any secret he might have told me.

Yadara: Then why didn't you run away while you could?.

Mazato: because i couldn't pull you two out of a place you just got used to, you might not remember but because of your father we would always move a lot and it got to the point that it started to drive me crazy because i couldn't get used to one place, you might remember it but i'm not sure about narimo.

[yadara looks at mazato surprised]

Yadara: That explains the way you treated me.

Mazato: Yes, and I'm sorry that I treated you like that. I would have never done that if it wasn't for me letting your father get to me.

[inaba laughs]

Inaba: well times up.

Inaba: Now you know why your mom did the things she did.

Yadara: Is this all you wanted?.

Inaba: what?,no.

[inaba hold up a remote]

Inaba: At the count of ten I'll press this button and you can see the full power of your mothers strand.

[yadara and narimo look at inaba surprised]

Yadara: You can't.

Narimo: if you press that button, I'll kill you.

[inaba smiles]

Inaba: That's a risk I'm willing to take.

Inaba: ten..

Inaba: nine..

Inaba: eight..

Inaba: seven..

Inaba: six..

Inaba: five..

Inaba: four..

Inaba: three..

Inaba: two..

[mazato looks at yadara and narimo in fear]

Mazato: Whatever happens I'm sorry.

Inaba: one..

[inaba presses the button and mazato uses her executioners strand to stab narimo]

[yadara looks at narimo's body in shock]

Yadara: This can't be real.

Yadara: it's not real

Yadara: it's not real

Yadara: It's not real!.

[yadara screams in agony]

Yadara: I'll kill all of you!!!!!!!.

Yadara: the excuses!, the pain i had to go through as a kid!, the lies i believed!, the fake show you put on to make narimo happy!.

Yadara: I don't believe anything another person says!.

[mazato crying]

Mazato: please!, I'm sorry Inaba has control of my strand!

[yadara points at mazato]

Yadara: I don't believe you.

Mazato: please!.

[yadara uses his executioners strand to cut off mazato's head]

[inaba laughs]

Inaba: wonderful yadara, you just killed the most dangerous criminal out of anger.

[a man in a gas mask runs in and shoots inaba with anti strand rounds]

Suwa: Now your time is done.

[suwa looks at yadara]

Suwa: We'll meet again soon.

[yadara looks at suwa surprised]

Yadara: hey!, get over here!.

[suwa runs out of the prison and yadara chases after him]

[a woman in white comes in and looks at narimos dead body]

Mitsu: poor girl.

[mitsu smiles]

Mitsu: I guess I can use a saviours strand to resurrect this fine body of hers.

[mitsu resurrects narimo]

Narimo: where am i?.

Mitsu: don't worry, I'm here to help you.

[narimo looks at mitsu surprised]

Narimo: What's my name?.

[mitsu smiles]

Mitsu: Wow, you had so much trauma that when I resurrected you, you forgot your name.

Narimo: please tell me what my name is.

[mitsu simles]

Mitsu: ok, your name is hikimi sakuma

Hikimi: Thank you.

Mitsu: Now, let's go home.

Hikimi: ok.

[hikimi and mitsu walk to the helicopter]

Mitsu: after you.

Hikimi: Thank you.

[hikimi and mitsu get in the helicopter and head to the outskirts]

Mitsu: Once we get there we'll get someone to check that wound of yours.

[hikimi look down at the hole in her chest]

Hikimi: oh, ok.

[mitsu looks at hikimi surprised]

Mitsu: I guess you don't register pain.

Hikimi: Is that a bad thing?.

Mitsu: oh no, it's just perfect for what we need you for.

Hikimi: oh, ok.

[end of the great inaba war arc]

chapter 33 august 20th