chapter 35: why not show us who you are

[beginning of the enemy annihilation arc]

[mitsu meeting suwa]

Mitsu: Hey, I need to tell you something.

[suwa looks at mitsu surprised]

Suwa: ok, what is it?.

[mitsu blushes]

Mitsu: There's an extra room now, me and hikimi are sharing a room.

[suwa smiles]

Suwa: ok, I'll make sure to tell the captain.

[mitsu smiles]

Mitsu: thank you.

[suwa looks at mitsu surprised]

Suwa: hey, i have a question to ask you, why haven't you been taking your job seriously.

[mitsu looks at suwa surprised]

Mitsu: what do you mean?.

Suwa: it's just since hikimi has been here you've been relying on her to do your job.

Mitsu: I am doing my job, I'm just doing tests on hikimi to make sure she has none of her past personality.

[suwa looks at mitsu surprised]

Suwa: So you don't really love her?.

Mitsu: I do it's just.

Suwa: it's just what?.

Mitsu: I love hikimi, I don't want her getting her past emotions back, because I'm scared that she'll move on to someone else.

[suwa smiles]

Suwa: Well, just make it look like you're working more than you are fawning over hikimi, ok.

[mitsu looks at suwa surprised]

Mitsu: I'll make sure to do my job, just right now I'm trying to make sure that hikimi does not regain any emotions, I don't want her to leave me.

[suwa smiles]

Suwa: ok.

[mitsu runs down to the training facility]

Mitsu: hikimi, can i talk to you for a second?.

[hikimi turns around and looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: Sure, what is it?.

[mitsu hugs hikimi]

Mitsu: We finally have a room together now.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: That's good to hear.

Mitsu: I know right?.

Mitsu: hey, can you take me to the room?.

[hikimi looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: sure.

[hikimi picks up mitsu and walk to their room]

Mitsu: Also when we go in, can you get the handcuffs?.

Hikimi: Do you want me to?.

Mitsu: Of course I do, but if you don't want to, it's fine as well.

Hikimi: Ok then.

[hikimi opens the door and throws mitsu onto the bed]

Hikimi: here's your most prized possession.

[hikimi holds the handcuffs in her hand]

Mitsu: tie me up please.

Hikimi: sure.

[hikimi cuffs mitsu to the bed]

Mitsu: Now what are you planning to do?.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: You'll see.

[hikimi gets on top of mitsu and kisses her]

Mitsu: please, kiss me again.

Hikimi: ok.

[suwa in the camera room]

Suwa: Now let's see if anything is going on.

[suwa sees someone suspiciously walking down an alleyway]

Suwa: ok, let's see if anything happens.

[the person walks out of the alleyway and a bomb goes off]

Suwa: Did I miss something?.

Suwa: they were not carrying anything.

[suwa gets up from the desk and runs to the captain's office]

Suwa: Captain, we have an emergency at a nearby apartment complex.

Itami: ok, grab mitsu and hikimi and go to the scene, make sure you get every piece of evidence because this could be how we find out who "the devil's messenger" really is.

Suwa: understood.

[suwa runs down the hallway to mitsu and hikimis room]

Suwa: mitsu!,hikimi! We have to get ready and go to a scene.

[suwa opens the door]

Suwa: Hurry you two, we have to go.

[mitsu and hikimi look at suwa surprised]

Mitsu: ok,ok, we're coming.

Suwa: ok.

[suwa runs down to the garage]

[mitsu looks at hikimi and blushes]

Mitsu: hikimi, can you dress me?.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: Of course.

[hikimi grabs mitsu's white coat and black pants]

Hikimi: which one do you want me to put on first?.

Mitsu: whatever you want.

Hikimi: ok.

[hikimi dresses mitsu]

Hikimi: there.

Mitsu: thank you, but you forgot something.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: and what would that be?.

[mitsu blushes]

Mitsu: You forgot to kiss me.

Hikimi: oh.

[hikimi kisses mitsu]

Hikimi: Is that better?.

Mitsu: yes.

Hikimi: good.

Hikimi: Well, I guess I need to get dressed.

[hikimi puts on her mask and suit]

Hikimi: Come on, let's go.

Mitsu: ok.

[hikimi and mitsu run downstairs to the garage]

Suwa: Come on, hurry.

[hikimi and mitsu get inside the truck]

Suwa: It's pretty far away so we'll have to hurry.

[suwa turns on the siren and lights]

Mitsu: why are we in such a rush?.

Suwa: because someone bombed an alleyway near an apartment complex.

[mitsu looks at suwa surprised]

Mitsu: why an alleyway, i mean if they were going to bomb something why didn't they just bomb the apartment complex?.

Suwa: I'm not sure, but I think it was because it was in view of the cameras.

Hikimi: why would that matter?.

Suwa: because I think whoever is setting off these bombs is trying to reveal themselves to us but not at the sametime.

Mitsu: So they want us to know who they are?.

Suwa: I believe so.

[after sometime suwa,hikimi and mitsu arrive at the apartment complex]

Suwa: The captain wants us to get as much evidence as possible.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu, suwa and hikimi walk down the burnt alleyway]

Mitsu: who would want to do this?.

Suwa: I'm not sure, but look.

[suwa points at a sign that says "un pure"]

hikimi: what kind of message is this bomber trying to tell?.

Suwa: I'm not sure but we need to take pictures and hurry out of here.

Mitsu: ok, just give me a second.

[mitsu takes pictures of the burnt alleyway]

Mitsu: Now let's get out of here.

[mitsu,suwa and hikimi run to the truck]

[yadara standing on top of the apartment complex]

Yadara: [sigh] if i'm not careful they will find out what my plan is.

Yadara: I need to wait for the right timing to use the branch of power, if not it wont do what i want it to do.

[yadara looks into the night sky]

Yadara: [sigh] I'm tired of using bombs.

[yadara laughs]

Yadara: I'll give my executioners strand a purpose from now on.

chapter 36 sptember 5th