Kane Lecuyer

Chapter 19: Kane Lecuyer

Soon we all got our results. A total of 25 entrants were selected, including me. And now those selected are now to live inside the camp for the next six months. As for today, either go home or sleep here today and return home and bring back your stuff the following day.

I decided to go with the latter option. Later that day, there was also a banquet for everyone, including the soldiers, knights, etc. After having dinner, I got back to my room.

*Tak* *Tak*

Someone just knocked. I opened the door, and it was one of the knights.

"You are Arturo Kei, right?" He questioned; I nodded.

"Please follow me. Our commander would like to meet you."

Commander wants to meet me? If that's the case, then why not. And so, I followed him. If I am not wrong, then I know who the commander is.

We arrived and entered the room.

"You can leave now."

"Yes, Sir." The knight replied and left the room.

He, along with his chair, turned around, revealing his face. I knew it. I knew that he would be the commander.

"I am Kane Lecuyer, one of the commanders of United Military Force.

{United Military Force /UMF is the term for the Military force.}

"My self Arturo Kei, one of the entrants who passed to be in the camp."

"I know that very well, and that's also the reason why I called you here." He laughed.

"Reason?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah. I was impressed by your today's performance and enjoyed watching you."

If I was able to impress this guy, then I am on the right track.

"Thank you, Commander Kane, for your courteous words."

"You don't need to be this formal," he sighed, "Well, then follow me."


"Well, you will understand once you arrive there." And so, I followed him.

One of the strongest martial artists in the Miscentia continent, Kane Lecuyer, was titled "War Lord" in my previous life. I was introduced to him on a mission, who eventually became my friend and a war partner. He is also the one who taught me about Ki and some martial arts in my previous life. A man whom you can trust with your life and is someone I respect most. If I could make a good connection with him in this present life, it would benefit me a lot.

Kane took me to the basement, and it was a huge one. This basement is nothing but a training/sparring field. I think I have answers on why I am here.

He never changes, eh? I chuckled.

"So, did you get your answer?"


"So, let's get started?"

"Sure. Any restriction?"

"Hmm… Let's go with no magic or mana. Is that fine?"


So, in the end, I will be fighting Kane right away the moment I meet him. Indeed, he never changes. I will lose, but it's a good chance for me to know my current level with the Ki.

I made the first move by running towards him with my punch. The moment I got closer to him, I ducked and lowered my body and got behind him, delivering a powerful punch.

Kane instantly turned around and blocked my attack using both his forearms.

Oye, Oye, you joking, right? That was my strongest punch ever, and all it did was push him a little and take no damage.

"As I thought so. You can use Ki and that also efficiently."

I took my stance, and yet again, I dashed towards Kane. But this time, he dashed in and got in front of me. Before I could even realize it, I saw a punch coming. My instinct said I will end up with severe injury if I took a direct hit.

As the punch was about to hit me, I unconsciously used Dragon's Aura, evaded it by a scratch, and stepped back.

Why am I breathing too fast… oh yeah, I just got overwhelmed? I calmed myself.

"Amazing Arturo, that was a brilliant dodge."

If it was not for the Dragon's Aura, I – well whatever… Let's analyse quickly. Kane won't go serious, which means if I can use my Aura efficiently and use Dragon's Aura in between, I can survive this fight.

{As of now, Arturo's body isn't ready to use Dragon's Aura continuously when fighting as it takes a toll on his body.}

Using the Ki, I increased my body movement and reflexes and dashed in. With this increase in speed, I took Kane by surprise. I tried to attack Kane's chest directly, but he dodged it.

He dodged by moving the left side facing me. I immediately responded with another attack.

I turned towards Kane, grabbed his left hand with my left hand, and attacked him with my open palm onto his stomach. He grabbed my other hand, not allowing me to land the hit.

I lifted myself in this situation, and I pushed Kane with powerful force, making myself accessible with my right leg. Backflipped in the air and landed safely.

After that, I continued my rapid combinations of attacks, and in between, I started using Dragon's Aura. This made a massive difference in the fight. The blows became heavier, and the movement became smoother. For instance, I overwhelmed Kane in his defensive form until he got serious.

"Arturo Boy, you entertained me today, and I never thought a kid would entertain me in a fight. So as a fellow fighter, I shall also show you something."

Kane, you don't need to get serious over this chi—

"Way Of Ki, First form."

Urg! Never mind, he is Kane after all, But this. *GULP* He instantly got in front of me the moment my eyes blinked. Threw a simple punch. I deflected it my left hand, but this HURTS

Just when I deflected his right hand, he used the same hand to attack me once more. I couldn't use my left-hand cause of the pain now. So, using my right hand, I grabbed his incoming hand and pushed down as hard as possible to stop his punch.

But he had one more option and used his other hand to attack me. I couldn't do anything in this situation, but I had to do something. The hand I grabbed, I tried to pull it to at least disturb his form. But I couldn't. His hand didn't even move, more like I couldn't even move. IT'S HEAVY!!

I knew that I had lost the match. But I never wavered, nor did I close my eyes. Before the attack could even attack me, Kane stopped it.

"Man, you got some nerves of steel. You didn't even close your eyes, nor your Ki wavers when I was about to hit you. That's some high level will you have there."

And thus, our so-called sparring ended.

Hush! I was ready to have a few bones broken when he used "Way of Ki, First Form." It's a technique used by Kane and passed down to his family as a legacy. In the first form, it's all about using your fist, arm, and elbow to attack. There are other forms as well. To be honest, even I don't know many details about this thing.

"Arturo Kei, you are different than those normal kids. No, in fact, you are way better than many in terms of fighting, and on top of that, you also know how to use Ki efficiently in a fight plus Ki Aura."

Wait! Kane knows about Aura? What? "Arturo, can I know from where did you learn all these?"

'I learned it from books and practiced. I am an Adventurer too, So I was able to try all these into a real-time fight.'

"That's amazing. You can do better more than your current level," Kane smiled, "…. So, to reach that level and surpass even more. Why don't you become my disciple, Arturo Kei?"