Chapter 14 (Assisi)

As the carriage rode through the castle gates, a man with towering heights stepped out of the Castle building, putting on a golden robe with a red cape that ran down his heels, almost scraping the floor, soldiers of Assisi lined up on both sides, the three carriages rode in between them.

Padre stroke his bridle, as well as the other carriage riders, the horses as well the carriages, halted before the tall man wearing a cape, he was Massimiliano, Governor of Assisi, tall and handsome, a bit old, with white beards and long hair.

Everyone strutted out the horse carriages, Severus, Lorenzo, Marchisio, Padre, Berardi, and the frontier soldiers that escorted them home.

"Welcome people of Venice, it's a pleasure to have you as my guests." Massimiliano greeted,

Everyone walked over to him,

Lorenzo stretched his hands for a shake while approaching Massimiliano.

"It's an honor to be here Governor."  Said Lorenzo, his hands met firmly with the governor's hands, it sent pangs of chill through his body, he felt honored shaking Masimilano's hands.

Lorenzo stood beside Masimilano, drawing his lips wife apart for a smile, and watching the rest shake hands with Massimiliano.

All greeted Masimilano and collected beside him except Severus, after a while, Severus left the carriage, he walked patiently towards Massimiliano, his gestures showing he wasn't Marveled to meet Masimilano like the others were.

Within Severus, a feeling of self-worth was building up, he had begun knowing how precious he had become, he would never feel servile before a king or a Governor.

Their hands join together deeply, Massimiliano held onto Severus's hands firmly, he glanced up to his face, "The Almighty Vir bellica" Massimiliano said, he let out a tad-smile.

Severus wriggled his hands out of Masimilano's hands, everyone present there, saw what Severus had done, tension spread amongst them all.

"I will have the maids clean you up for dinner," Massimiliano said, he release a smile once more, messaging all that he wasn't angry at what Severus had done, a few people still had doubts about how he felt within.

Massimiliano walked into the palace, maids escorted the guests to their chambers, to get them prepared to dine with the Governor.


Huge candle lights were hung at every corner, chasing away every dimness in the dining room, a huge brownish full chicken was placed in the center of the rectangular wooden table, a tray of berries and apples was also placed near the chicken.

Massimiliano sat alone in six-seater dining, before the bunch of luxurious foods, waiting for his guests to join him.

The twin wooden doors drove wide apart, a soldier walked in with Lorenzo, Marchisio, Padre, Berardi, and lastly Severus all following him behind into the dining room.

"Have a seat my beloved guests, let's feast a bit" Massimiliano said, with a pretty wide smile on his face, and ever welcoming gesture.

Everyone took a seat, Severus sat on the front seat, opposite Massimiliano, while Lorenzo approached and sat on the seat near Masimilano, Marchisio sat beside Severus Lorenzo flanked his at the left, while Padre and Berardi took a seat, padre was beside Severus, while Berardi was beside Massimiliano.

Just a while after they had settled down at the dining table, a group of three maidens with trays of food, walked into the room, one had bread in her tray, the other maidens behind her had bowls of soup on theirs with smoke running up in swirly motion out of each bowl.

A few at the table felt a deep lust for the ever-approaching meals, mostly padre, they had been on the roads for close to two weeks and had to feed on fruits alone.

The maidens placed the trays on the center of the table, the bowls were six, each bowl belonging to each person present at the table,

Nobody waited to be ordered or adjured by Massimiliano to pick up a bowl,

Everyone stretched their arms a drew a bowl of soup to themselves, one bowl remained in the tray, there was no bowl of soup before Severus, it was clear to everyone he didn't take a bowl out of the tray.

Massimiliano noticed that after he glanced at Severus.

"That bowl is yours Vir bellica," Massimiliano said, pointing at the bowl of soup remaining in the tray,

"A few apples will be enough for me," Severus replied, he took three apples from the tray, the rest ate the Ribolito soup, gurgling, and stuffing white bread into their guts, which could lead to an arm sized feces.


About thirty minutes later, all were done with their meal, a few dug into the chicken, and left it bones in the tray with scraps of meat on the tips, edges, and sides of the bone, and Chalices with drips of wine left in them.

Everyone lulled their backs on their chair, feeling wasted and tired, most of their bellies pumped up, and scraping the edges of the dining table before them, only Severus sat upright for he had something light.

Massimiliano ordered his guards to bring in the final welcoming he prepared for his guests.

After a while, half-naked harlots trooped into the dining room, they took Lorenzo, Berardi, padre, and Marchisio, away from the dining room to their chambers.

Massimiliano told the harlots to leave Severus out of the activity, Massimiliano took Severus to his Chambers, they went in for a closed conversation.