Chapter 1

In a debris-filled, run-down underground shelter, a young man awakens.

Xu Xin, our main protagonist, opened his eyes and looked everywhere around him. All he can see is a small room with one door to a wall and the rest of the walls greyed out.

"I, where am I? What happened to me?"

Before Xu Xin could start to panic, the screen with text appears before his eyes.

[Welcome all players!]

[Game introduction: All players will receive a shelter and a logbook. The shelter is your only safe zone. Players can upgrade the shelter to improve their living conditions. Players can get resources and rare items by completing tasks daily. Players will receive one mandatory task daily. There will be a punishment for failing to complete the mandatory task. Please explore for more information.]

[Friendly reminder: This game is not a solo game. Players have a chance to meet during exploration. Be cautious. You will die if your HP drops to 0. There is no resurrection if you die. Take care of your safety. Return to the shelter before night descends. Do not leave the shelter at night time!]

[The first 7 days are the tutorial mode. To ensure all players' safety, the risk level is low. Players will receive a daily beginner login gift until tutorial mode ends!]

[Happy surviving!]


"What? I...I crossed over to a game world like that?"

Xu Xin frowned. Doubt crossed his face. He remembered going to sleep in his bed, but when he woke up, he was in this strange shelter!

The first thing he checked was the only exit, the door.

[Shelter door - The only exit. Currently blocked by debris.]

[Warning! It is currently nighttime. Players are not permitted to exit the bunker at night during tutorial mode!]

A simple introduction appeared in front of his eyes.

"There are even introductions shown like a game system? And we are currently in a tutorial mode." Xu Xin murmured. "Is it exactly like a game?"


A flash of light and game interface appeared before Xu Xin's eyes.

[Status] [Task] [Logbook] [Store] [Player Chat] [Trade]

The first three [Status] [Task] [Logbook] were white. The other three [Store] [Player Chat] [Trade] is current greyed out and not accessible.


A player status screen appeared before Xu Xin.

[Player Xu Xin]

[Health] 100/100

[Energy] 30/100

[Fatigue] 70/100

[Health - You will die if your HP drops to 0. There is no resurrection if you die.]

[Energy - You will use 1 energy for every action. You cannot perform any action if your energy is 0. Energy recovery is 1 every 10 minutes. Sleep for 8 hours to recover all energy. You can also consume food to recover energy.]

[Fatigue - You will gain 1 fatigue for every action. You will faint for 2 hours once your fatigue reaches 100. You can rest for 10 minutes to reduce 1 fatigue. Sleep for 8 hours to reduce all fatigue. You can also consume beverages to lower fatigue.]

Xu Xin frowned. The current energy level is pretty low right now while the fatigue level is pretty high. It should only be enough for a few actions before he needs to sleep for a full recovery.

There were two other tabs he could check. [Task] and [Logbook].

He decided to check on the logbook first.


A thin book appeared in his hands.

[Logbook - Every player's essential item! If you want to survive for a long time, do not lose the logbook!]

Xu Xin flipped open the logbook. The logbook has six sections in coloured tabs.

[1 Task] [2 Achievement] [3 Blueprint] [4 Recipe] [5 Storage] [6 Notes]

[1 Task - You can review completed tasks and current tasks.]

[2 Achievement - You can review and collect rewards upon reaching a particular goal.]

[3 Blueprint - You can review the learned blueprint and check on required resources.]

[4 Recipe - You can review the learned recipe.]

[5 Storage - You can store and retrieve blueprints and recipes obtained. You can store up to 30 blueprints. Storage is not upgradable.]

[6 Notes - You can store and retrieve miscellaneous notes obtained. You can store up to 30 notes. Storage is not upgradable.]

The information on the logbook is also accessible from the game interface. It was quite easy to check on the information. But the storage function of the logbook requires the physical logbook to work.


There were two choices. The first choice is to carry the logbook around but risk losing it. The second choice is to leave the logbook behind in the shelter. It would also mean players had to carry the obtained blueprints back to the shelter.

Neither option appealed to Xu Xin.

There was a cold mechanical sound in his brain.

"Detected that host is in conflicted stage and requires a guide. Super Guide System binding..."

The sudden sound startled Xu Xin.


This was a pleasant surprise to Xu Xin. He didn't know how to react!

[Ding! The Super Guide System is now activated!]