
Chapter 16: Fight Begin

"I thought the test was only for the lowly commoner who is standing near to Alex, that weakly crow boy. But the sudden change that he needs the teams and here he got Alex as his team partner to fight against the Royal Squad Leader. 

But it seems the preparation we made was a waste. I never thought he would die in the Square zone. 

It seems the death of Alex is no longer. 

Our father is a genius. He is already well planned. 

We can not tell next what is going to happen to Alex from now on. A square zone is such a mysterious place and the creatures inside them are unique. 

No one ever wins the creature inside of the zone except for our father. 

We can tell for sure that he won't come out of that place alive and has no never seen such a mysterious zone. 

He can't even clear the zero-level dungeon on his own. What he is going to do now inside such a zone. Hahaha haha….

From now on, we don't want to waste our time on such a useless worm. We need to battle only for our title and for the throne.

Most importantly we need to fight against him, the first son king. The real throne heir. 

We need to defeat him.

So, the fight of the heir began from the lowest and weakest of the Endora king seventh child Alex.

Just enjoy the show so we can see who the weak child and the weakly crow boy will die in that zone. 

I feel pity for Ava. She Is so gorgeous and cute. But today she has the fate to die with that weakling. God does not have the heart he is just going to take such a beautiful girl from us.  

You don't need to worry. I took now how you feel. After all, she is the sister who is at high authority but she also is not willing to help her.

 But you don't need to worry because we have the right to save her from that place. We just need to wait for the dead of those two weaklings and you just go there to save her. Then she will fall for you. Then she will be your girl. So just enjoy the show. 

Brother, are you telling me the truth? Then she will fall for me. 

Yes, that's right, you don't need to worry. I will make sure that will happen." Two princes were just planning to take their next seat for the throne and to fight against their brothers and sisters who were standing in their way to becoming the next king of this kingdom. 

"It seems the magic ritual just started. I think the king is doing everything with his mind. 

What do you speak ill of the king? 

No, it is not like that. That first they told that they found the boy with the ability to absorb the powers. Then told he was going to fight against any leader of the Royal squad. 

But the sudden change in the test makes no sense. Most importantly, that kid Alex is the seventh son of King and he is also participating in what you think of it.

 We can't say anything for sure.  We need to wait. About see Xavier. It seems he is very interested in a fight. But now everything has changed.  "

The man who stopped the fight between Lucius and Avan was speaking with the man who was wearing the white dress who conducted the test for the team "AAA". They both were speaking about why the king interpreted the test at the last minute. 

The time for the test. 

"Hello, guys, and you three people are ready to face and I would like to give you two of this whistle. These are the teleportation whistle," if you both make a sound by wherever you are I can come and help you out. 

But keep in mind that you can blow it after you enter the zone. I will come and help you out. But I can only come inside the zone only once. So make the right time and you both try to be in one place together so I can save you both. I don't want to see any of you die there. 

Then now anything you three have to say. "Warlock gave the transportation whistle to Alex and Ava except for Aarush. But he never asked him anything. He just kept silent. 

"No nothing, " Alex just got the whistle and he replied   

"I have the doubt why you didn't give any magical tool to help out Aarush inside the zone. "Ava just asked the question to Warlock.

"You see, I don't have any extra whistle with me. Did you get the answer?. And now the zone will appear in front of you. Just three just need to enter.  From here we will monitor your movements". Warlock replied to his question and told them to enter inside the zone.  

The zone gets the appearance and the attack of the "Demon Raider" comes out. 

When the warlock started to spell out this magic and his magic circle started to get brighter, brighter, and brighter.

 It was like the sun. The brightness was so full it was surrounding the entire arena. No one was able to see anything against the brightness of the flashlight of the spell that came out from his magical circle. Then it started to get low slowly. 

Everyone in the arena was amazed by seeing this spell strength that the warlock had. 

"It is no mistake to call him the Warlock, the shining star of the Endora. "

He earned that title through the hard work he did. "Fero and Sonny were appreciating the warlock. 

They are both rivals and fight each time they meet. But when it comes to Warlock they both see him as their rivalry. 

That is what made both of them what they are today. 

The gate started to open. It was square with no door and it looked so bright and white. 

Then, the AAA team started to get inside the gate. When they went inside it was so bright.

Now they are inside the Square zone. This place can be split into many pieces. It is like a mirror reflection place. It will show the same power which they possess and show their other side to them. There is no life existence. The place is full of brightness. 

"Oh oh oh oh, the time for the plan to execute everyone gets ready for their army to attack them. Orcs, are you all ready? " 

Yes, commander. We are ready when you say to attack, we are ready to attack the kingdom. "

Then the  Demon Raiders started to attack the kingdom Endora.  The boy who killed every orc in the forest brought them back to life by the forbidden magic. He controlled every dead army of Orc, Lizardmen, Serpents, Skeletons, Black demons, Zombies.

The creature which he killed in the forest brought everything back to life and told them to attack the Endora kingdom. 

They started to rage at the first place in Endora. It is the place where every Royal Squad leader, Warlord, and Warlock. They started to attack the place where the ceremony took place.  

The arena was closed by the strong magic field and no one can"t get in. It will be strong when the warlock has his full strength but now everything has changed to open the square zone and he lost half of the strength. 

The boy in the hook just took his sword from his back and just gave a big clash and he broke the magic field in half.  

The destruction of the magic field brought the sound of chaos inside the arena. The villagers, Royals, Nobles started to be afraid of the destruction of the magic field and the monsters started to get inside the arena one by one. 

Then every soldier, mage, and Royal squad started to gather to attack. 
