Chapter: 28

Ye Jun slept with a smile on his face. And here Nari was still awake. Her eyes are wide open as they stare at the ceiling.

She was greatly confused. Sighing deeply, she curled to the left on her end. From school to home, she kept thinking about how she turned into a great friend with Ye Jun. It made her laugh at how she used to hate him so much back then that she wanted to kill him. And now, if she doesn't see him in the class, she grows restless. The one guy whom she had started to hate the most in the world was now her closest friend.

That day when she told him all her thoughts causing a headache, she felt the most relaxed. She never knew she would ever be able to talk heart to heart with someone. Ye Jun made her feel comfortable and happy now. She loved being with him and, on top of that, she always wanted to be with him. His carefree and jolly nature always made her smile and now, even in her free time, she used to laugh at his actions and jokes he cracked.