Chapter: 62

"What?!" Se Jeong yelled over the phone, gaining Ye Jun and her father's attention.

She looked at them and bowed slightly, mouthing her apology. Both got busy with their chats and Se Jeong went to a corner.

"What do you mean it was his birthday yesterday?" she whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" she gritted her teeth.

"I am sorry, but I got to know yesterday at night by Ms Ahn Nari. But Ms Se Jeong, yesterday when she came to the office, she was very awkward with him. Do you think our plan has failed?-"

"Aye! What failed? Nothing has failed. Just wait and watch, I'll celebrate Ye Jun's in the grandest way anyone has ever seen." She interrupted Chan Woo and smirked at her thoughts.

"But Ms Se Jeong-"

"Ah! Chit chats for later. I'll go, I am busy till evening. Have a lot to do today. Bye!" and she disconnected the call.

Ye Jun and Se Jeong's dad were talking about something related to business when she jumped in between the conversation.