Chapter: 69

Nari's team entered the meeting room. Inside, she could see Ye Jun, his assistant Chan Woo and his general manager were seated already. She looked at Ye Jun, but he didn't spare a glance at her. She knew he wouldn't, but why did it hurt then? It was making her frustrated.

"So, I've read through your plan. And it seems your company has the potential to be successful with our resources." Chan Woo said.

Nari's senior nodded along with the rest of them.

"Wasting no furthermore time, we would like you to sign the contract with us, now." and he slid a transparent file towards Ko Sang Tae, Nari's senior.

Nari looked up at Ye Jun, who was still reading their handout. Her eyes were a bit wider than usual. Sang Tae smiled ear to ear and quickly signed the contract. They all stood up.

"Thank you so much, Mr Ye Jun." he shook hands with him.

Ye Jun exhaled lightly.

"It's alright, I am just finding my profit in it," he replied.