Chapter: 93

Aera sat in front of Nari, who was eating fried chicken quite joyfully.

"You're fine, right?" she asked, setting her cheek on her palm above the table.

"Yeah, why?" and Nari gulped down the beer can. 

Aera sighed. Anyone could see she was lying.

"Then what are you going to do now?" 

Aera asked as she placed both of her arms above the table.

"Now? The usual things? Work, rest and party with you?" she replied and laughed.

Aera sighed again and looked down, shaking her head. 

"But..." Nari spoke, making Aera lookup.

She was tipsy by now, and Aera knew she had to take her home today. 

"How can I be normal around him? I can't lie well." 

She kept the can down on the table and sniffed her nose. Aera frowned. She couldn't understand her situation well because Nari had told no one that she loved him. And it confused Aera to see Nari so devastated.