Chapter: 105

Here at the party, Ye Jun looked around to find Se Jeong. But she was nowhere. He was about to call her, but someone called him out.

"Mr Park Ye Jun." a lady approached him wearing a maroon long formal body con dress, her hair laid on the one side of her shoulder. Her lips were the same as her dress. She smiled at him.

Ye Jun looked at her, wondering who she was. "I guess you don't know who I am." "I am the famous reporter, Jang Yuna. I took your friend Mr Kim Min Jae's interview some weeks back." Ye Jun nodded and shook hands with her. "Yes, thanks for coming," he replied.

She bowed her head elegantly towards him. "I cannot accept your thanks." Ye Jun frowned at her comment. "I mean...if you are grateful, then please be my guest at the next interview. It would be wonderful to talk with you."