Chapter: 152

One year later...

Ye Jun walked with a stern face on the footpath. He was wearing a v neck brown sweater with black jeans. His hair was down on his forehead and the eaglet of his black shoes jingled as he walked with thumps on the ground. The slow wind blew his hair while his eyes focused on the building some steps away. He looked way too serious or...rather angry.

But his powerful walk was hampered, someone bumped into him.

"Aish!" he exclaimed and stepped back.

Wiping off his sweater he frowned a looked up. His shoulders relaxed and he sighed in an irritated manner.

"Ye Jun-ah!" Min Jae exclaimed.

He was wearing a cream coloured jacket over a peach shirt and cream dress pants with white sneakers.

Ye Jun rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he sounded bored.

Min Jar bit his lower lip and squinted his eyes.

"My girlfriend..." he spoke hesitantly.