Part 4

Hello again and welcome back to the 4th part of the story. I hope you all enjoy the story and thanks for reading.

Arthur leywin POV

I awoke to a stinging pain in my head that caused me to wince with the intense pain. I looked around to see myself in my room as shock and surprise filled my face after thinking about how I destroyed the house when forming my mana core.

Impossible, didn't I destroy the house, how is it fine? Was it a dream when forming my core.

I checked my body to see that it was filled with mana with a small sphere located at my abdomen. Excitement filled me as I was now a mage, finally after all that hard work it has paid off.

I got out of bed and was overjoyed at how lightweight I was feeling that I almost cheered out. I changed my clothes and washed up as I left my room with a smile on my face and walking downstairs to the dining room.

My face changed instantly as i noticed the unknown figure sat on a chair in the room wearing clothes that were similar to the clothes in my original world other than being completely black. I looked to his face and felt vastly inferior to the strikingly handsome face that radiated power and authority and black eyes that showed battle experience as well as an unnerving pressure that caused my confidence towards fighting this person to drop.

"Who are you?!!" I blurted out with the little remaining confidence I had.

Sung-Jin woos POV

I looked at the child that walked in, noticing the caution and aggression on his face as well as the stance he put himself into that looked like he was ready to fight me. He asked me who I was and i almost laughed at the fear in his voice and how much confidence he would've had to muster up to ask me who I was.

"A friend of your parents" I replied in a nonchalant manner.

"A friend of my- he didn't even get the chance to reply as Alice ran in screaming his name and hugging him, nearly suffocating him as she checked to see if he was alright.

Rey walked in and almost did the same causing me to face palm inwardly watching this family. Although they where a bit strange they seemed to be good people after spending a few weeks with them.

"He's going to pass out you know" I said in an attempt to rescue him as they reacted to my words and withdrew themselves from around him and he regained his breath.

"Thanks" Arthur said.

I nodded at him whilst looking to see the newly formed mana core inside of him and how it was sending impure mana into his body with a slight frown. Although that was the case I could still see the excitement in his eyes and sighed at how underdeveloped this world is.

"Mom, dad, who is this person?" Arthur asked with curiosity in his voice.

"This is Sung-Jin woo, a friend who saw the house explode and offered to help. He also is the one who rebuilt her house after you blew it up" Alice said with a hint of anger in her voice after the fact that their house was blown up.

Arthur seemed to notice the anger and looked down whilst mumbling sorry to the floor. I chuckled slightly towards this and told Alice that it wasn't a big deal and at least no one was hurt. She seemed to calm down after that and was no longer angry.

Arthur's POV

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked after the suffocation and my mother's anger had gone away.

"You were asleep for three days" dad said.

"Really, I was asleep for that long? I asked.

They all nodded. It seemed that forming my mana core was very tiring. I also didn't realise how hungry I was until my stomach growled causing to go red with embarrassment which made everyone laugh as mom ran off to make breakfast and dad sat down at the table with Sung-Jin woo. I was still cautious around him even after sitting down.

I sat across from him as dad sat next to him and they started talking about things like all the adventures dad had been on. Curiosity filled me as I tried to sense Sung-Jin woos body for a mana core, but at that moment felt the most purest of mana stream out from him causing me to almost black out from the large concentration of mana inside of him.

Who the hell is this person?! His mana is so pure! No being should possess such pure quality mana.

I looked up again to see him looking at me with a smile on his face as though nothing happened whilst a voice connected in my head.

"It would be best not to sense my mana, your to weak" the voice said as I looked back at him again with a pale face and asked another question.

"Who are you?"

"You'll find out later, but relax, I don't mean any harm" he said again in my head calming me down instantly as he knew he wasn't lying as he could kill everyone here with ease.

Mom walked in again with plates full of food, handing them out before sitting down next to me. I saw the delicious food in front of me as I began to eat it with a smile on my face whilst mom and dad started laughing and Jin woo chuckled.

After everyone finished we started to plan what we should do now. They both wanted to send me to xyrus city, a floating city somewhere on the continent where the academy there is the most elite one for training mages and I would be able to attend in the future. My heart elevated at the thought of studying at this academy to see the magic of this world.

Although this was the case they didn't want to be separated from me because I was still a child which caused me to frown and start to think of what to do until Jin woo said something which reinvigorated that idea.

"If you all don't want to be separated then how about we all go there together?"

I looked at my parents who were still sceptical about the idea with the brightest puppy eyes I could think of which made me vomit on the inside about this. I was a KING A KING, yet I'm now doing puppy eyes to go somewhere.

Although I hated it they couldn't bear to see it so they finally agreed causing me to thank Jin woo in my head, not knowing if he could hear me. They decided to go in a months time when it would be my birthday and the twin horns would be coming which excited me as I had never met them before.

1 month passed

In the garden both me and uncle Jin woo where both sparring, well it's more of a beating as I could never touch the guy and and he sent my to the floor every time. I began to grow annoyed at this face and imbued all of my mana into my legs to try and catch up with him, to which I failed miserably as I went down in a pile of mud.

"How are you so fast?!" I asked angrily getting up and wiping the mud of my face.

"Might be the fact I'm an adult and much stronger than the you" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Wait till I'm grown up I'll be beating you into the floor" I said angrily as he laughed.

"I'll wait for that day to come, but it's not likely though" he said

At this point mother came out and saw the mud on me as she glared at us both causing me to sweat drop and for uncle Jin woos smile to disappear.

"Seems like you've been having fun out here" she said to no one in particular as the aura she radiated made he look like the devil.

"We were only sparring mom" I said trying to defuse the situation.

"Sparring?! You have mud all over you and your clothes! Anyway the twin horns will be coming soon so go wash up and change" she said.

I ran inside leaving both of them outside.

Sung-Jin woos POV

"Can you go easy on him, he's only a child" Alice asked with an audible sigh.

"I am going easy on him though" I said, speaking the truth which nearly made her topple over in shock.

At this moment i noticed a few over people approaching the house with weapons and armour. I was ready to attack until realising that there wasn't any malicious intent from them, yet I still kept my guard up.

"Seems like they are here" I said waking Alice from her shock immediately causing her to run to the door.

I followed her to met with the odd assortment of people, there were a collection of men and women that seemed to have stayed away from averageness.

They all looked at me in confusion as they wondered who I was, which was understandable as they had never met me before.

"Who is this person?" The tall blonde haired one with a spear said as he looked me up and down.

"My name is sung-jin woo, it's a pleasure to meet you all" I said answering his question.

They each introduced themselves and we began talking about random things until Adam asked to spar with me to which I agreed with.

We went outside to the garden and got in our positions. Arthur joined us in fresh new clothes as he liked excited at the prospect of me fighting him.

We both got into our stances as he tried his very hard at boosting his already massive ego by telling me useless things which riled the soldiers inside me.

"Master!! Let me tear this pitiful human apart" said the angry ant king

"No" I replied causing him to quiet immediately. "Don't worry though I'll let you fight some monsters soon" I said causing him to become excited again.

As soon as the word 'go' was said Adam lunged forward with his spear in front of him preparing to strike me, I disappeared in a flash causing him to stop in shock. I appeared behind him.

"Boo" I said causing him to jump and turn around and attack me with his spear.

I parried his spear and punched him in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground gasping for breath.

Everyone else looked at me in complete shock as they realised I didn't use any mana and only my physical strength. I chuckled and helped Adam up as he walked off in a mood whilst everyone else snapped out of their daze and prepared to set off.

After a few hours of preparation we left the house and this town in a carriage to head over to xyrus city.