Sultan checked the CCTV footage of cameras in that hospital but 'What a chance!' Of that side camera's didn't record anything due to some fault in them.When he went to his rest room, he saw 'Purple Hyacinth' flowers were placed on his table with a 'SORRY' card.He didn't expect anyone that will give him that flowers for apologize.Sultan took them up with smile and smell their pleasant aroma.He was thinking deeply, "Who sent him these flower?"
He thinks, Hayat.No, it's impossible.....
At evening, Hayat was going to her house by walking.Today, she wanted to go her home by walking through streets.The sun was about to set down.Cool breeze was blowing her beautiful hair.Hayat was passing through vulgar herd in streets.She was enjoying wandering in streets like that.Hayat stopped on some mini-shops to see various amazing things.
It was a great fun for her to see variety of things in streets.Some couples were going together stuck with each other.Some suited booted men were wandering alone as a single piece in search of finding something in encompassing throng around them.
Some 'pauper' were asking for alms and stuck to well-looking people.Hayat also gave alms to some pauper's.Their clothes were dirty and they were wearing unmatched shoes.She was feeling soft-corner in her heart for them. Wealthy people were ignoring them as they couldn't see them.
Poor people were enjoying the evening sight by just seeing twinkling lights of kissing sky buildings and music was playing loudly in some shops.They were listening it at outside in street and enjoying the merriment of their class range.
Hayat turns a corner of street where she saw a gang was beating the 'High school' guy's. Hayat went near them and shouted out,
"Stop it!"
They stopped beating them and became attentive at her.High School guy's run away as they got chance.Now, their fully attention was on her.They were four men, looking very scary. They have pistols in their hands. One of them said,
"Boss, today we win a lottery!Look here...."
Hayat tried to run away but they grabbed her in no time.She shouted out leave me, otherwise.One of them, held a pistol at her head to warn her, if she tried to make a noise or any other trick to run away.He will shot all it's bullets in her head. One of them a fat man, take a car and tried to put her in.Hayat tried hard to free herself but no avail.They taped her mouth.
Hayat has left only one option, to use her powers.They were trying to tieing her hands. Her eyes became glowing red and she disappeared from their sight.They remained astonished and cried.....ghost....ghost.....she was a ghost!!!
They run away and left their car there.But in hurry Hayat didn't think about her destination place.Now, she had reached at somewhere else. She felt like she is in a sea, her eyes were still glowing.After returning from glitter planet now, she can also see UV and IR rays wavelength.When, she tried to come on the surface of the water.Hayat saw there was water and water everywhere.
When her eyes becoming grow she can move with the speed of light that's why her body can pass through any medium.Here, her wrist watch time has stopped.Hayat knew she has reached on other planet.But she observed, it was strange.Hayat can't find any piece of land here.It was like a big ball of water.
Hayat started swimming in it's water.She saw a fantastic world inside this water.A new and fantastic creatures were present here.Some strange rocks were also present inside of the water. Hayat saw a fish like burning fire means made of like volcanic material but the temperature of water was normal nor too cold nor too hot.
A lot types of fish were waving in water. Mostly, two fishes body were joined as one.
She also saw four and six fish body were joined as one as it's one organism.Hayat also saw real mermaid in this water.These mermaid were so beautiful and wonderful.
Their pearl's were also shining in the depth of water.That pearl's she didn't see on the earth. Light was penetrating in the depth of this water.She become frighten when suddenly a blood like water came in front of her eyes. Hayat turn her direction after this she saw a lilac color water.
After complete observation she discovered this "Aquarium Planet" has seven colored water but they were not mixing with each other but flowing all together.These water's seven colors were red, marine, lilac, moss,ochre, seasprite and sage.A lot of flora was also present in this water.Sea-horse and Lion's Mane Jelly like other creatures were also present in abundant there. Hayat saw a volcanic place in the depth of the water flowing smoothly but water's temperature didn't raise up.A strong wave of water came, she was feeling herself like a strolling stone from a high hill.
Hayat was flowing with water without knowing and observing anything.At last, Hayat found herself on a land again.She was coughing and her head was also spinning after strolling in water.Her clothes were wet but right now she was also not on the earth.
Hayat thought, she moved out from the 'tunnel of space- time' present in universe at different points that are connecting the whole universe together but only whom are passed through it who can spin with the speed of light.
Hayat was on a planet where she mostly comes and draw a painting.Hayat was lying on a red soil under purple sky when she heard a sound of playing Violin.With astonished, Hayat gets up and her sight was wandering here and there.She was following the direction from which the sound was coming.
Hayat saw someone from back, he was sitting on a rock and playing a Violin with heart- strings.Hayat remained astonished, someone else also have abilities to come there.Today, Hayat also observed the stillness of wind has stopped as her hair was waving with the soft stroke of wind.The wind had started blowing, it was strange.
It's the effect of when red magnet and blue blood power's were present at the same place and at the same time due to fluctuation in forces the motion of that planet has changed. As, the space is frictionless, when all forces become balance, then net force become zero.When external force act on any subject, it start moving in the direction of force act on it.But they didn't know it, their presence on earth was also a great danger for others.But may be not.
If they used their power's at a same place at a same time it can effect on the force of gravity of the earth that can change it's rotation direction till by luck, they have not used their power's on earth at a same time.
This phenomenona occurred because they got these powers from the other 'Galaxy' but they didn't acknowledge it.Hayat has strong power than Sultan that's why she was kept entering in other galaxy's time line again and again due to force present in her and getting signals from there and entered in their time lines. There were three gem's power's were present on the earth right now, one in Guru purple gem, Hayat has red and Sultan has blue.
In Danish Lab that day, aliens sent a signal in space but due to some fluctuations their three gem's power fell on the earth by chance in his lab fell in his coffee cup.
Three power's become accomplish in his body and balance their effects that's why Danish didn't get any specific power but genetically it become transferred in his son Sultan.And, he got results in his experimental samples.He only acknowledged about cell regeneration process in his body.
And by destiny, other two gem's power he extracted from his body as samples he made in lab from his blood.By chance, they had distributed to Guru and Hayat.Danish put some chemicals and radio-avtive elements in them but it wasn't the result of them.It was the result of these balance power's present in his blood without his acknowledged he had also transferred it in those samples.On which no chemical can effect.But he was thinking, it's the result of chemical and radio-active elements.