Chapter 3

(Ashborn POV)

After my father learned about the awakening of my twin brother. He began to train him and with that, it also implied that I had to join him.

Father and mother didn't know about my core yet. Since I haven't uncovered it yet, I'll tell them later in any case.

Arthur, meanwhile, was looking at me with jealousy? Maybe the reason for this was that he was receiving tougher workouts than I.

For now, I was only trying to find a faster way of increasing my mana reserves. I know a lot of ways... however, I have a human body.

It won't be able to keep up with the sudden increase in mana. I'm still 3 years old and still growing. Later, under the influence of my mana, my body will also start changing drastically. This is one of the effects of being influenced by my mana.

If I was my former self. I would be able to modify my body however I want. Alas, I can't do it right now... Well, in the long run, eventually I will grow up.

Arthur also seemed to be proficient in swordsmanship. I noticed how he fought against father. And there I would say that his swordsmanship is certainly impressive, even for monarchs and rulers. In consideration of how I never even tried to hone my sword skills, but only gathered experience from battles, yes I can still be deemed as the sword expert. Yet, Arthur has the moves of someone who lived solely for the sword.

Monarchs never really cared about techniques. We didn't actually require them, after all, we had something superior. Pure strength. Even physical capabilities were way higher than any being in the world.

Arthur also is trying to get knowledge about magic as much as he can. Requesting our mother for new books. Mother luckily for Arthur had some connections in the guild and she managed to collect some books.

Arthur doesn't even realize that for a child who is only 3-years-old, it's really strange to read such books. It had some illustrations, but Arthur was reading the text itself and this was always noticed by our mother, who looked strangely at Arthur.

And a year passed like that, and I haven't done anything in terms of development. I'm just expecting my body to grow.

"Honey, I think it's time we get Art a proper mentor." Said father while we were dining, and of course, our mother denied his idea.

"What? Reynolds! Arthur isn't even four yet! No! Besides, you said if our son was an augmenter, you'd be able to teach him!" Mother spoke with evident desperation.

'Duh, I'm glad I didn't show them anything. ' I commented in my mind and continued my meal.

"I, also, never expected our son to be this much of a prodigy in mana manipulation. Who has ever heard of awakening at the age of three?" Father responded a lot more calmly.

'Is it something that special? I pity you, Arthur. ' I questioned myself.

"But that means he'll have to leave home! He's only four, Reynolds! We can't have our baby leave home at such an early age!"

"You don't get it. When I observed his body while he meditated, I couldn't help but feel that all of this was natural to him. Alice honey, I'm holding my son back by trying to teach him something he can do in his sleep."

Thus began our parents' quarrel.

I looked at Arthur and he was also trying to peacefully eat. I looked at his eyes and he looked at me.

'Just say something already.' I tried to tell him telepathically.

'What can I say huh?' He responded, making a confused expressions or this was what I thought he meant in that.

"Art, this is concerning you, so you have a say in this as well. How would you feel about going to a big city and having a teacher?" Our parents seemed to settle down and then father asked Arthur.

"Can I at least try to meet some mentors and have them see if I need to be tutored or not?" Arthur asked.

'Obviously... '


"We'll at least formally have his mana core and channels tested. We can figure out what to do from there." Mother broke the silence and muttered.

Father nodded in agreement and I also nodded in agreement.

And so we started our preparations for the upcoming trip. Going to the nearest town had to be the optimal choice but it was determined that we have to go to Xyrus City. I found out that it was a big city that was floating in the air.

How could humans create flying cities? Well, even encyclopedias can't explain that.


This journey was going to be long. In times like these, I wish modern transportation existed. In order to get to the city, we'd have to enter through one of the designated teleportation gates in the Grand Mountains, or else, it would effortlessly take months to travel throughout towns to reach the gate below the actual city, which floated near the border of the Kingdom of Sapin and Darv.

Besides, we will reunite with our father's former adventurers' party, and we will proceed with them to Xyrus city.

While Arthur was packing his belongings parents were packing necessities for our journey. Meanwhile, I didn't have anything to pack since I wasn't a bookworm like Art and I just helped mother and father.

And by mid-morning, we were ready to depart.

I followed my mother while holding her hand. Arthur also tightly grasped mother's hand and we walked towards our meeting point. I never really saw them before, so this will be my first time ever seeing them.

Helen Shard: Female augmenter, specializing in magic archery.

Adam Krensh: Male augmenter, whose main weapon was the spear.

Jasmine Flamesworth: Female augmenter, who specialized in speed with dual daggers.

Angela Rose: Female conjurer, specializing in Wind Magic.

Durden Walker: Male conjurer, specializing in Earth Magic.

We reached the inn they were staying at in Ashber and saw them out in front, near the stables.

"Fellas, I want you guys to meet my sons, Arthur! Ashborn! Go on guys, introduce yourself. " Father, after hugging his ex-party members, exclaimed.

Arthur bowed towards party members and introduced himself.

"Hello. My father has told me great things about his fellow Twin Horns members. Thank you for traveling with us to Xyrus. We'll be in your hands. "

"HAHAHA, what is this? Such manners! Are you sure he's your son, Rey? " Red-haired adventurer named Adam laughed.

"What about another one? " He then added and turned towards me.

"Thank you for accompanying us on our journey. " I thanked them calmly with a nod.

"That one is more similar to you but still... he is cooler." Adam teased father.

"That's because he inherited it from me ha-ha. " My father responded proudly.

Then Arthur was picked up by a blond-haired woman named Angela. Angela hugged Arthur so tightly that he couldn't even breathe. I can clearly see how Arthur was in pain and when he was on the verge of passing out, when a giant named Durden picked him up.

I was ready to interfere if something happened and wanted to channel more mana through my body, but fortunately, he just gave Arthur a thumbs up and smiled.

'Don't judge a book by its cover... a human who said that was wise. ' I remembered this saying from one of the movies that Beru was watching.

I turned to face the woman that looked younger than everyone else. Straight black hair that was half-tied at the back with a ribbon complementing her red, half-open eyes and curt-looking lips, making her seem very brusque.

Arthur was also looking at her.

"Mhm" she slightly nods and then turns away.

And the last member of the Twin-Horns party was Helen Shard. I don't know how to describe her with words, but it seemed that she was most suited to be called leader of this group.

It was already time to get going.

I approached one of the carriages and just hopped on it. Others were looking at me with wide eyes, including Arthur.

"Did you just hop on the carriage so easily? " Adam looked at me dumbfounded and asked.

"Yes. " I replied.

"I didn't sense him using mana... " muttered Angela.

"I didn't use mana. "

"Let's not sweat about it and get going. " said father and we finally departed.


By nightfall, the once distant mountain range seemed to have doubled in size.

We eventually stopped to set up camp near a small cluster of boulders. It was a good spot with the rocks blocking off nearly all of the wind and a lot of scrap wood from fallen branches to use as a campfire.

"I heard your pops say that you're some kind of genius mage... Is it true you've already awakened?" I heard Helen ask my brother about his awakening.

Arthur seemed lost and replied with the truth. Helen then asked him on what core stage he was but Adam then stood up.

"Hey Reynolds, do you mind if I test your boys?" Adams asked, turning to our father.

"Alright, but be careful. I haven't had the chance to teach them how to properly fight yet. Art only did light exercises and some mana exercises till now." Both father and mother seemed at least a bit hesitant at first, but trusting their old comrade, father accepted.

"Come here, Kids. Haha, let's see what you're made of!"