Chapter 17 | Arc I

(Ashborn POV)

'Did they enter my mind?' This was the first thought that flashed after seeing what was beyond those gates.

In front of me, there was the city of Seul, but it was burning. just like the Architect designed it and everything looked like it.

I was already thinking that someone managed to enter my mind and saw my memories. I was absolutely sure that this wasn't it, I'm protecting my mind and even if I wouldn't, they won't be able to enter it so easily without me noticing.

"My king, It is known that Relictombs are able to alter themselves and change the environment for Ascenders, creating different obstacles for different Ascenders." My Alacryan servant explained.

This doesn't explain how they were able to recreate my creation. Without entering my mind. There shouldn't be anyone who knows about this other than me, my successor, and Architect. (Don't worry these characters won't appear here.)

I shifted my attention to something in the yellow sky.

"My liege, someone is looking at us." Beru said and prepared to attack if necessary.

No living presence, but it does also have consciousness another doll?

"It teleported from somewhere, it will teleport again. Do not waste time on it." I told Beru.

"Should we start clearing area, my liege?" Beru asked me excitedly.

"Kill everything, except Ascenders if they are still here." I quickly gave the command and hundreds of my soldiers flew out from my shadow.

I also started walking forward. If they copied my demon castle then there should be other floors, which means that I find a teleporter.

My soldiers already started encountering some enemies. They were dolls, I'm doubting that there will be something that can be turned into my shadows.

'Maybe I had to go in Beast Glades before coming here?' It wasn't a bad idea to visit Beast Glades to increase my army.

"Search for the teleportation gates." I commanded my soldiers.

They immediately complied and started searching for gates. While I was walking through burning and destroyed streets of the city, I encountered many monsters.

They weren't comparable to Cerberus and easily were crushed by Ruler's Authority. Still, I'm impressed monsters didn't have mana, but they were strong if we will compare them to beasts in Beast Glades.

"My liege. We found teleportation gates, but it requires some kind of key." Beru informed me.

"Don't waste your time for searching the key." I will forcibly activate teleportation there was no need for a key.

"My liege, shall I return to you and exterminate everyone on your way?" Beru asked me. (Poor Beru. He cares for his liege so much.)

"Just stay where you are." I told him and fastened my pace.

On the way, I haven't encountered any other monsters. They were already eliminated by my soldiers. That's to be expected from my army.

"My liege, this is teleportation gate." Beru pointed at teleportation gates.

"Let's not waste time. Everyone return."


Floor 1 till Floor 5. Everything was the same as Demon Castle, monsters were weak. The only difference may be that monsters didn't have mana and if they are not killed they will regenerate from any injuries.

"Everyone aims for heads." I commanded while sitting on some skyscraper

Looking down from above, I could see how my shadows were fighting monsters and clearing this floor. It was more convenient than always looking through Shadow Preservation.

"Beru do those monsters have some valuable things?" I asked Beru. Maybe they have some cores that controlled them.

"My liege, They do have some weapons." Beru answered.

"Bring me one." When I said that I heard destruction somewhere in the distance.

I knew it was Beru who probably finished off some monster with a weapon. He soon appeared next to me and offered me a sword.

"My liege, I brought you sword. Sorry my liege, I couldn't find anything better than this." I took the sword in Beru's hand and observed it.

'Sword also doesn't have any mana in them. is it just a normal sword?' I thought.

I channeled my mana in my hand and tried to bend the sword in my hands. Surprisingly it could withstand force.

'This is not normal metal, is it?' I asked myself. No normal sword without mana in it would be able to withstand such force.

"My liege, it still doesn't deserve to be wielded by you." Beru said.

"It's not for me. I shall save them just in case. Everyone gather equipment and store them in my shadow."

Just not to waste my mana in the future. I shall store these swords, they have great durability.

"My king, we found some humans fighting monsters. Shall we intervene?" My Alacryan soldier told me telepathically.

'I want to ask some questions.'

[Shadow Exchange]

I switched with Alacryan servant.

quickly jumping on the nearest building. I could see some humans fighting monsters, they could hold their ground. Unfortunately, there are too many monsters and they will exhaust themselves.

Their mana-pool isn't big either. But more of those monsters are approaching them, hm should I save them? they will genuinely answer my questions.

'I can just turn them into my servants...' I dismissed the idea quickly, I won't kill those who don't deserve to die.

This group of 7 people consisted of one long-range fighter. Conjurer? but with the sword? Other's were mainly fighting mele.

'Weird fighting style they have...' I saw how one of them charged to the monster without any care and the other had to always cover him.

'Oh, there's the first one. ' I could see in slow motion how one of the monsters swung its weapon to the conjurer.

I swiftly disappeared from my place and appeared in front of the monster. Quickly I punched the monster in the head and it exploded.

"Wh-?!" A person who I just saved looked shocked at the new development.

"I will kill other monsters and you will answer my question is this a deal?" I asked quickly not wanting to waste my time.

The person looked at me dumbfounded, but later just nodded.

'Take care of monsters around me.' I told my servants. I could do everything myself, but I didn't want to waste my time killing a weak monster that can be demolished by my weakest soldier.

Beru was the first one to show up, He was moving so fast that humans couldn't even notice him. But latter one managed to feel his presence.

'Beru isn't even trying to hide his mana.'

"Guys, There is a monster and a strong one!" Shouted girl in the group, she is probably the sensor.

"He is with me, no need to be afraid." I tried to calm them down, but I failed.

"Who are you!?"

'Those humans are too emotional.' I thought

'My liege, should I kill them for you. They dared to scream at you.' Beru your mission was to kill monsters, not humans.

"Just kill monsters." Beru nodded and on high speed, he went through monsters. (Literally)

A Group of humans looked even more shocked at this.

"I saved you, now answer my questions." I told them.

"Wait, first tell who are you?!" A guy with an ugly face shouted at me and pointed his weapon at me.

"I'm the one who should ask questions." With high speed, I moved next to him and scratched his cheek just with a mana-infused finger.

Others widened their eyes and looked terrified at my display of speed.

"So answer me, when did you enter this Relictomb?" I asked them, but they still remained silent. Were they shocked?

"You made a deal, now answer the question." I saved their lives in exchange for answers. If they won't answer, payment would be their life. (I found this badass)

"F-few w-weeks ago, sir." One of them stuttered.

"Did Relictomb started changing when you were here?"

"Yes, Sir."

'So it started changing when I entered here. that only leaves 1 theory' I thought.

I, of course already have some theories why did Relictombs create such an environment. Now my suspicions were reduced to only 1 theory.

And this only theory was that fragments brought 'Past'. (Explanation for those who don't understand. Cup Of Reincarnation could reverse time back 10 years. Imagine that these 10 years were poured inside the cup. And Ancient Mages managed to see this 10 years.)

Someone saw what happened in the past of my previous life and not only mine. This will explain how they managed to see Demon Castle.

But it would bring whole past, not just some memories. In other words, everything that happened, not only me creating Demon Castle.

How Rulers used Cup Of Reincarnation, this will also be in that 'Past'.

"Okay, you are free to continue whatever you were doing." I told the group and turned away to get on a different floor.

"Excuse me, sir, can we at least know your name? to thank you properly."

"I'm Ashborn." I answered nonchalantly.

"Thank you Mr.Ashborn for saving us. My name is Austin." Mr.Ashborn? can't he see that I'm most likely a teen?

"I never asked for your name." And with that, I turned the situation awkward.

I left a group of people before they even knew that.

I with my Army continued going through floors, needless to say, monsters were still weak. They do have more durability, but overall they are weaker than demons from Baran's army.

"My king, we found human corpses." Alacryan servant informed. (We are going to say it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

[Shadow Exchange]

I once again changed my position with Alacryan servant.

Two human corpses. One girl and one is a boy, they are young ones. Their mana-pool isn't big but it doesn't matter.


Shadows started spreading from their corpses. It expanded and formed two human figures, one woman and one man. The man was in black armor from shadows and had a helmet of wolf's head, while the woman had a black dress with blue glowing parts. She looked like a battle maiden.

"Your name will be Hilith." (Hilith literally means Battle Maiden)

"And your name will be Hildthwulf." I named my soldiers.

Their mana-pool increased and the woman is the long-range attacker. One witch and one fighter...

I continued going through floors, I couldn't spot any other humans on my way. They were already out from Relictombs? No, they wouldn't be able to.

There should be floors with strong monsters. Such as Vulcan, I doubt that they could recreate Baran...

'Let's not think about it...'


This is already the 25th floor. I managed to go through 25 floors. Without even trying, at least they tried to recreate my Demon Castle. (This is funny isn't it? PLAGIARISM!)

"Everyone, in my shadow." Every servant returned to my shadows.

I approached Teleporter and injected my mana in its runes. Soon it teleported me to a familiar place.

'Isn't this Vulcan's floor? It should be on the 50th floor, do they have a shortage of resources?' A lot of thoughts flashed in my mind.

'Hm, Vulcan isn't sitting on his throne...'

This is when the shadow appeared above me.


Something big landed directly in the place where I stood. I managed to get away from here, but I was still surprised.

"This lowly creature! how dar-" Beru tried to attack a monster that just landed.

"Halt! This thing, it's strong."

Vulcan that was in Baran's army was a strong and fast demon despite its large build. It wouldn't matter to me, but right now I have a feeling that it's stronger.

'Did Relictomb put all its efforts into creating this monster?'

Right now if I don't exactly aim for its head, It will probably start regeneration.

While I was thinking all of this, Vulcan came to me running with all its might.

'It has intellect.' It was not giving me time to think.

Speed and strength are also higher than other beasts that I have encountered in this world. Shame that it's only a doll...

'I might be able to kill it, with one attack.'

I run towards Vulcan and jumped high enough to reach its head.

[Ruler's Authority]

I reinforced my hand with Ruler's Authority and swung it towards Vulcan's head. Before the attack could reach its head, Vulcan bent his body and put his bent in front to at least block my attack.

'No this isn't just a doll with some intellect.

Someone is controlling it...'



A lot of things are happening, right?

What do you think? Should I add more interactions with Alacryans?

Maybe I should name Alacryan servant? He is without a name for quite some time.

Also, something about Cup Of Reincarnation might be confusing right now, but it will be explained later.

Also, guys big thanks for your support I'm getting really motivated and I truly enjoy writing new chapters. I get exhausted, but well your support gives me energy. I love u guys <3
