Chapter 31

(Ashborn's POV)

"So you are taking him with us?" I asked Arthur.

Apparently, Arthur decided to take Elijah to Helstea Manor. Since Elijah didn't have an actual place to stay, we will home him for some time.

"Think of it as repaying your debt." Arthur I saved a boy's body from getting corrupted, he owes me his own life.

"Jasmine, what about you?" I turned to a black-haired woman.

"I'll stay at the manor for a day. Then I'll reunite with Twin Horns." She casually replied.

"By the way, I wanted to purchase another dimensional ring. But I don't have enough finances." Arthur brought up and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"If you think that I have money for you, you are dead wrong." All my money was placed in Ellie's bank.

There were quite a lot of banks actually in Sapin. Illegals and Legals, few of them being licensed by the Royal Family itself and being a doting brother, I couldn't to not prepare the future finances of Ellie.

"Ah, damn. This ring can't even store much." Grumbled Arthur and looked down.

"*Sigh* Here take this." I quickly created a storage ring with almost the same functions.

It doesn't have a limit of how much it can store, or how big it can store. Unlike Arthur's storage ring, which shrinks objects and stores them in small crystals.

This doesn't shrink objects but immediately transfers them to different space. In our case to my shadow.

"Wow, Wait, you don't have a storage ring on hand, where did this come from?" Of course Arthur, I created it from my mana, I don't need a storage ring for this.

"Does it satisfy your tastes?" I asked Arthur. The design of the ring was almost the same as the previous just colors were black. Only the crystal was dark-purple.

"It looks great. Thank you...Big bro." He thanked me with a cheeky grin. I guess I have to repay the debt.

"This is the last time." I replied.

"...If you were trying to look funny, you are also dead wrong." I at least tried.

"Are they always like this?" I heard Elijah asking Jasmine, who just shook her head.

"By the way, do you think Ellie needs a present?" Arthur suddenly asked me. Sorry Arthur but, you are doing solo from now on.

"I don't know." I answered and quickened my pace.

We were already in Xyrus, so we decided to take a walk instead of taking a carriage. Besides, I can always teleport if I don't want to walk.

We were passing by many shops and buildings until we could see Helstea Manor. I can already see Ellie standing in front of it waiting for us.

"Ellie sure missed you too…"I said to Arthur, he just smiled wryly.

"You guys have a sister?" Elijah asked us both.


"Don't try something funny." Arthur glared at Elijah.

"I should have killed you. if you touch Ellie, Next time I'll aim for the head." I also did the same as Arthur, making Elijah squeak in fear.

"W-What do you take me for?!" Elijah shouted at us. He looked embarrassed and scared at the same time.

'He doesn't realize that I'm not joking right?' I wondered.

"Brother!" Ellie shouted as we approached the manor. She ran down the stairs and soon got closer to us.

First, she ran up to me and hugged me with a jump. She glanced at jealous Arthur and stuck out her tongue.

'I'm so proud of you, Ellie.' I thought in my mind.

Ellie then released me and approached Arthur who already spread arms. Ellie did the most painful thing for a man. She got close to Arthur and with her right leg, she kicked Arthur's… b… Arthur from pain widened his eyes and bent 90° front.

Ellie hugged Arthur, wrapping her hand around Arthur's neck.

'Ellie you surpassed my expectations.' I praised her.

"You think you shouldn't lower your head for what you did? You expect me to jump?" Ellie in a Queen-like manner asked.

"E-Ellie w-why?" Few words escaped Arthur's mouth.

"Tehee~ sorry. I was told it was a good way to lower someone's head." Ellie laughed a little and winked at me.

Obviously, this didn't escape Arthur's eyes and he started muttering some curses towards me.

"Well, look who we have here." Our attention shifted towards a new voice.

Father was standing with mother looking at us with his usual grin. Mother had a relieved smile, because Arthur came back in one piece… not really.

"D-Dad, H-Help me…"

"What's with that look? Don't tell me Ellie kicked yo-" Father wanted to also tease Arthur, but mother widened her eyes and screamed at the girl.

"Ellie! This is not what I taught you!"

Ellie's previous lively eyes turned gloomy when she heard mother and since I was the one to teach her that move… I'm also in a bad predicament.

"What are you doing outside? Ash, Art, Jas and…"

"Elijah Knight or just call me Elijah." Elijah answered father.

"Well then, Elijah. Let's go inside!" Father said eagerly and everyone forgot about the previous situation.

We went inside and then had a great dinner. Both Helsteas and our family agreed to have Elijah here. They were also quite surprised to hear that Elijah was an A-Class adventurer.

"Anyway, why doesn't Elijah enter Xyrus academy with Arthur? I'm not against sponsoring such a proficient mage." Vincent said as he pushed his glasses back and lenses glowed white while doing this.

"I'm sure they would take Elijah even without any sponsors." Said Tabitha and she was right.

Xyrus Academy… I mean that old woman would surely want to take a young A-Class adventure as a student. Elijah entering Xyrus Academy will be beneficial for both the academy itself and the country.

"W-Wait I'm the representative of Darv in the guild. I don't think I'm permitted to enter Xyrus Academy." Elijah stuttered and Vincent laughed.

"Haha, don't worry about this. I got a piece of information that will surprise anyo-" Before Vincent could finish, I interrupted.

"Three-races are uniting. Alliance is already signed by the leaders. Now everyone is permitted to travel, learn, trade in 3 countries freely, without massive limitations despite being from different races." I said and surprised everyone.

"S-Class adventurer huh." Arthur smirked, he realized that I'm involved not only in adventuring but in politics too.

"From where do you know this information?" Vincent cried out because I ruined his cool moment, I suppose.

"You shall not underestimate the influence that an S-Class adventurer has." S-Class. Only this had an influence on the minds of normal people, but in my case, it's influence on the whole Dicathen.

"Actually, I'm not that surprised. Considering when you awakened this is just a child's game." Joked Vincent and earned chuckles from everyone. Elijah also tried to seem to have fun, but he felt awkward. It was clear for everyone.

"Hey, Elijah, what about you? Why did you become an adventurer?" My father changed the topic.

And here goes a whole lot of stories about how Elijah became an adventurer. His stories even made father jealous. No doubt father had the strength of an AA-Class adventurer with the beast-will that I gave him, maybe even higher.

But he was just a B-Class adventurer in his former days and couldn't break through the orange stage for years. So he was of course jealous of Elijah.

"Ellie, soon you have a birthday." At my words Ellie's eyes sparkled, but the room became tense.

Me, Arthur and Fa- It would be right to call him Reynolds now, were glaring at each other in a challenging manner. This was the only battle where I had an actual challenge. Two others were my rivals.

Ellie meanwhile didn't mind and started counting something on her fingers.

'I bet she is counting her presents.' I'm sure this was what the other two thought at that moment.

After dinner we all went to our rooms, Arthur being the one who brought guest, had to share part of his space. So Elijah slept on half of his bed while separating themselves with pillows.

After a not-so-pleasant night, in which I wasn't tired, so I just couldn't sleep. I already got up and got to the adventurers guild to meet Kaspian.

"Good Morning, Mr. Ashborn." Kaspian greeted me and I did the same.

"Good Morning." I replied.

"Are you perhaps coming to the council meeting?" Kaspian asked and I shook my head.

I had no interest in attending council whatsoever because Kaspian did everything there for me. While other leaders could propose some ideas, Kaspian did most of the work, because he was changing a lot of things. He had a very original approach, but this couldn't be said for others. They haven't even thought about cultural differences between their countries, So Kaspian fixed the problem for them by proposed the idea of changing the whole law system.

"No, I shall just see Bairon Wykes myself. I will leave immediately after doing so." I told Kaspian.

"Hm… Yes, it would be better if he was killed before becoming a lance or their reputation would go down." Kaspian shared his thoughts even though I wasn't going to kill Wykes without hearing him out first.

"I'm just eliminating future nuisance, that is. I shall meet him first." I explained and he nodded.

"Then we shall go there first, Blaine will already be there with his 2 lances. While the Guild needs it too." Kaspian jokes, but couldn't make me laugh. So he just shook the idea of making me laugh.


(3'rd POV)

Blaine Glayder and Priscilia Glayder. King and Queen of Kingdom Sapin, now already members of Council Of Dicathen, were with their two Lances.

Varay Aurae. Female white-haired mage, who was selected as one of the two lances that represent the Kingdom of Sapin. (I simp for that Varay so deal with it. I mean white-haired.)

The second was, male mage Bairon Wykes. He had the same blond hair, just like damned Lucas, but it couldn't be denied that he was one of the strongest mages on Dicathen. Even if he is behind Varay in terms of strength.

Both of them now stand behind their leaders, While the other two were seated around a round table. Two mages didn't have weapons with them.

So when a crack in space appeared and formed a teleportation gate, two mages conjure two weapons of their specialty.

"Another fancy appearance, Kaspian? I see, haha." Laughed Blaine and Kaspian came through gates with an unexpected guest.

"Oh and Mr. Ashborn too." When Blaine took notice of Ashborn, he immediately addressed him formally.

"Most of you here might not know… Well, you probably don't know. This is S-Class adventure-" He turned to introduce Ashborn to her Wife and other people in the room, but he saw them looking down.

Varay, Bairon, and Priscilia being better mages than Blaine, could feel pressure emitted by Ashborn better.

"Ashborn Leywin…" Blaine finished introducing after big stop, and just sighed from seeing this scene.

"Mr. Ashborn, any special reason for your appearance?" Blaine asked Ashborn which nodded in confirmation.

"Blaine, arrange a private room, I want to talk. Also, take this blond mage with you." Ashborn stated, addressing the King of Sapin like this at least made it clear that Blaine and Ashborn were already acquainted.

"Oh, nothing is to arrange. There is a room with an isolation charm on it." Said Blaine and pointed at some door in the room.

Ashborn just walked towards the room, Blaine also got up and followed Ashborn. He motioned Bairon to follow him and he did as was asked.

They entered an isolated room and found two seats quickly. Ashborn and Blaine sat in front of each other, while Bairon stood beside Blaine.

"Bairon Wykes, am I wrong?" Ashborn addressed Bairon who looked up at him and just nodded.

"I have a question for you…

What would you do if your relative is killed?" Ashborn asked Bairon and stared right into his eyes.

Bairon also looked at the soul-piercing gaze for a few seconds in fear. Later he just looked down again and stuttered.

"I-I will a-avenge" Bairon stuttered and this was enough for Ashborn to hear.

"I heard what I wanted." Said Ashborn and stood up.

"In case, I would do the same. So, I'm satisfied with your answer for now. Unlike your relatives, you don't seem like someone who needs to use their names for protection so… you are given a second chance, keep in mind that if you touch my family, I will wipe out the whole house of Wykes..." Ashborn's voice rang out, Ashborn who previously stood at his chair, stood next to Bairon.

'I couldn't see his movements… I couldn't sense the mana either!' Bairon screamed in his mind.

In the next moment, Ashborn disappeared from the place completely without a trace. Even then Bairom felt hatred for Ashborn, for killing his family. He got the idea of who was the killer of his brother and father, but the idea of killing the killer itself disappeared.

Bairon couldn't decide what to do. He remembered Ashborn's words 'I would do the same'.

'It was their fault…' Even though Bairon didn't forgive Ashborn.

He realized Ashborn didn't have any actual reasons to kill his father and brother. He was an S-Class adventurer and had a reputation way higher than Wykes Family. He had money and was close to the King of Sapin himself.

Even if he attempted to kill Ashborn, he would die immediately. While he wasn't a lowly man, he had principles and wouldn't use Ashborn's family for revenge.

At the same time he was sure that his arrogant family was at fault, But he can't forgive Ashborn like this...


"How unlikely of me." Muttered Ashborn, being surprised by what he did.

He forgot the actual reason why he spared blond-haired humans. He understands human emotions and knew that Bairon felt hatred towards him, that's only natural. If his brother or any other relative was to be killed... The killer wouldn't be alive either.

Anyway, his family is guarded by his soldiers 24/7 and he can also switch with them whenever he wants. So giving chance to Bairon is something that won't harm him in any way and if he is lucky enough he can benefit from it.

'Kaspian said it would be humiliating for lances if I kill one of them right? Or something along those lines.'


Hello guys, I got sick... Well, I still wrote a chapter on the phone.

Anyway, I didn't want to humiliate Bairon much... I'm not his fan or anything. In the novel, he despite hating Arthur still didn't fulfill revenge on Arthur, because of war. So I believe he has at least a functional brain.

He was humiliated either way. So yeah...


Second FF:
