Chapter 47

(Ashborn's POV)

A long time ago, throughout my time of being Monarch. I would at no time think that I would be leading a bunch of teenagers in a dungeon, well, except Arthur, who can't be regarded as an ordinary teenager.

They didn't have classes since the academy canceled all teaching processes. Practically they were free from all their studies, yet they can't stop. That was their own initiative to continue getting stronger.

"Everyone is here, go in." I told Arthur's class, as they stepped forward to Xyrus Guild.

"Are you seriously taking kids into a dungeon?" Arthur came behind me and asked. Obviously, I wouldn't want to do this on my own, but since Arthur suggested I replied with 'Why not?'.

I certainly didn't have any important things to do as of now. Minor things could be dealt with later, so I decided to allow Arthur and his class to enter the dungeon. This way they will gain experience, while it can also be considered as training. Arthur leading a group of teens alone... No, it was never an alternative.

So here I am now.

"Woah, everything has changed here!" The same red-haired girl who earlier asked me for an autograph exclaimed.

Claire Bladeheart, Kaspian's niece. She seemed to be always cheerful, while in battle she was highly serious. Just like Kaspian, perchance that's his influence. Taking into account that she learned swordplay from him, that's quite possible.

Another one who caught my eye was Theodore Maxwell. He was the same age as Claire and was strong with his gravity magic, his attitude is also of a warrior. Nonetheless, he was very hot-headed.

Glayder's children were promising, they showed steady advancement after receiving the badge. Curtis Prince boy will reach a silver-core stage by age of 20, while Kathyln by 16 should be close to breaking through the white-core stage. Of course, this is for now. Their progress will drastically rise after fighting real enemies.

Ultimately Tessia, Arthur's eventual girlfri-, I think I skipped a batch of things. Let's scratch "eventual", I'm somewhat confident they are by now with each other.

"Why do I feel so disturbed all of a sudden?" Erm, Arthur surely can't read my mind, right?

"Erm, so what should we do now? Should we pass the examination?" Questioned a blond-haired elf with a slightly scared face, even till this day I can't pronounce his name.

"Arthur, it's not your first time being here. Go to the teleportation gates, since you possess badges you can enter through." I told them and their reaction was of surprise, guess they don't know that Guilds recently started using new gates.

"You have badges, just pass through the portal and you are already at your destination." I explained.

Guildhalls which were usually crowded by adventurers were now empty, exceptions were only a few. Since Beast Glades were closed for adventurers of course they wouldn't be in Xyrus, they would preferably remain in places with more quests.

Nowadays, Xyrus was more of a center for trading.

"There aren't even the guards, don't they fear that somebody may enter Beast Glades without a guild card or something?" I have no idea who spoke, but she was a short muscular girl with blond hair. Dwarf I presume.

"I heard Beast Glades were closed for adventurers, maybe they are just slacking off?" Wondered Theodore.

"They aren't required here, this is why." I answered their questions and took lead, if I haven't done this they would spend hours here.

"Arthur, sometimes take things seriously, even if it's not war." I told my brother, who was walking beside me.

It didn't take us long to arrive in the lobby. Judging from astonished looks on their faces, teens didn't expect to see gigantic purple teleportation rift here at all places. That's only natural since teleportation gates in Dicathen weren't actually cracking space open, rather they just sent objects from place A to place B.

"Get going." I was the first one to go through the rift without waiting for others.

Already on the other side of the portal, I waited for seconds till I saw Arthur enter. I wonder if he has any trust in me, why would he be so hesitant when seconds earlier I stepped through it.

Soon after many followed his actions and stepped through the portal.

"Welcome to Beast Glades." Arthur announced with hands wide open, after seeing the same picture he saw years ago when he for the first time visited Beast Glades.

"So which dungeon should we dive in?" Asked Tessia.

'There aren't many options anyway, you don't have vast choices...' I deadpanned, I recall clearing all the dungeons which could be categorized as A-Class or higher. So we could either dive in B-Class or lower and there are plenty of them around.

"That way." I pointed in the direction where I sensed most beings with mana and started walking forward.

Yet, a feeling of anxiety bothered me. There weren't any guards even after we passed rifts, something is certainly off. Arthur noticed this too, I'm sure, given that he was quite dumbfounded after getting here. He was beforehand familiar with Beast Glades, so there wouldn't be anything other to surprise him.

"Let's get going." Stated Arthur following me.

'No this will take too long...' I thought and decided to not waste time on aimless walking.

"Keep calm." I tried to assure the group with the warning, though it didn't work since after shadows covered them I heard girls screaming.

"What the hell is this?!" Theodore's shout echoed in my ears, fortunately, he stopped after shadows dissipated.

"Quit screaming, my ears hurt." grumbled Arthur. He wasn't fazed by the occurrence anyhow.

"Oh, we've arrived!" He then beamed up seeing an enormous cave in front of him.

"Eh?! Weren't we in different places before, how come we are here now?" Shouted puzzled red hair, same were with others. They were shocked by the turn of events.

"Don't worry, It's okay if something strange happens when we are around those two." Tessia put her hand on Claire's shoulder and showed thumbs up, while also shooting me and Arthur awkward glances.

"*Cough* Well, we are already here. Let's not keep stalling, and dive till the sun is lightening upper levels." Arthur stated and confidently walked forward into a cave.

Tessia followed him, not before inhaling and exhaling air to calm herself. Others also tailed the two, while I covered their backs.

"It will only get colder from here, start augmenting yourself." Arthur warned his class, so they did as Arthur demanded and augmented themselves. Arthur himself hasn't done the same, though, he was okay without augmentation with Beast Will.

Going down into the dungeon, the group encountered weak mana-beasts. They didn't face any difficulties until they found themselves unable to continue, because of exhaustion. Inexperienced people often die in dungeons because of exhaustion, they are just not confident enough in their attack so they end up channeling more mana than intended. The same was with this group of teens.

"Let's rest here, it seems to be safe around." As Arthur said this everyone slumped down on the grass including himself.

"Mr. Ashborn, what was Arthur like when he was kid." The sudden question came from Tessia, she had a smug smile on her face. It was obvious she wanted to tease Arthur.

"Bold of you to assume that he has grown up." Both I and Arthur were literally born as grown, can't state that we have matured since then.

I wasn't joking, however, others had different thoughts. Everyone was laughing... The task failed successfully.

"You aren't any different from me." said Arthur, not feeling embarrassed. He knew about 2 meanings behind my words.

"Why can't I understand if both of you are joking or not?" Tessia puffed her cheeks and smashed her head on Arthur's shoulder like a little girl.

"I have had the same question for years now." Arthur muttered, also winking at me in the process.

Their rest took quite some time, instead of actually resting they were chatting, joking, and laughing. Instead of checking the surroundings to assure their safety, they just laid there on the grass and looked at the ceiling. Glayder's daughter was different though, she just like Arthur checked on her surroundings.

I was disappointed to see Tessia resting her head on Arthur's thighs. She was literally the most highly respected student in the Academy and she was most careless here, maybe because she was with Arthur.

"Done resting?" I asked Arthur, who just looked down at Tessia.

"I am, but they aren't." said Arthur while caressing Tessia's hair. How could she even fall asleep in a dungeon?

"Okay get up." I, using Ruler's Authority, picked up Tessia and put her on two. (Tess simps, your sugar moments end here, at least in this chapter.)

"Agh, already?!" Someone grumbled as all of them got up and prepared their weapons.

"Don't forget what we came here for. From the beginning, your objective was training, while I followed to supervise Arthur." I told them.

With this said group followed me and Arthur without arguing. 'Dare to argue with an S-Class adventurer?' This was what the circumstances looked like from my perspective and I'm sure others had the same thoughts.

We continue to go more into a dungeon, not meeting any beasts on our way. My senses couldn't pick up any magical beast on our path till now, I detected a few mana-beasts further.

'They are hiding their presence well.' I noted in my mind, it was unusual for beasts to conceal their presence so masterfully.

"Arthur, can you feel anything?" I questioned him, in response he shook his head.

"I can't feel anything, but it's too quiet for a dungeon. Something is definitely there." Exactly. Arthur too noticed how unusually silent this dungeon is.

"Everyone, on guard." Arthur alerted others immediately and unsheathed his sword.

Slowly but steadily the group continued their way and after walking through narrow passageways. They finally arrived in the large cave, it was too big to be called a cave. Even Windsom could stand straight full height here.

"That's unusual..." Arthur murmured obvious.

"This cave is rather large." Commented Tessia. She, too, was surprised by sheer free space here.


Some cracking noises echoed in the cave, everyone was alerted by this. Arthur realized what was happening and quickly shouted.

"Get out of here!" His warning was too late, he soon looked up and saw something falling down.

Yet, no noises were heard. Obviously, here I would take actions

"What the hell..." Someone muttered at the sight of Windsom appearing and with wings shielding them from rumbles.

"Arthur go away from this place, through a portal." I commanded him and created a crack in space near his class.

"Hey, what is going on Ash?!"

"No time to explain, you aren't on their level." using Ruler's Authority, I literally grabbed every student in a bunch and threw them through the rift.













50.' I started counting my newly appeared opponents.

"One hundred soldiers here... and a few hundred outside jamming my contact huh..." I muttered, loud enough for my opponents to hear.

"Windsom your former comrades?" I asked my dragon servant, who in response nodded.

"My king, they shouldn't pose a challenge. However, I can't sense the king here. They might have ulterior motives, other than fighting you directly."

"We shall finish them off, to find out everything quickly." I nodded at his response and added.

Within a second black armor enveloped me and dark as an abyss sword appeared in my hand. A few moments later behind me stood an army of thousands of shadow soldiers, ready to charge in battle.



Both strongest Ant and the Dragon fully manifested, followed up with their battle cry.



This is just calm before the storm.


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