"What? "

"What? "

"She got the employment letter, how it's possible? "

"Sir nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible".Ravi said

"Sometimes I think you're a smart person".

"No sir if i was a smart person i wouldn't be here today".

"Ya true, What happened next? "

"I was shocked, it was such a strange thing because Nirmalya sir had insulted her so much

and then give her a job, then I asked her"Was the envelope of this letter stamped with the MRK company?"

"Yes" she replied

"You know when you have to join the office? "

"Ya itself".


"So now what do I do?"She asked me

"I think you should go to office".

" But.... "

"You can call me if you have any problem, Ok".

" Aaa..Ok".

"Best of luck and have a good day".

" Bye".she said



Then I went towards my office and after reaching there I said to receptionist to bring the work reports of the week and after saying this I came to my cabin and signed in the register. Then there's a knock on my door.

" Come in "I said.The door opened and a peon enters and said" work reports sir".

"Keep it on the table".He put all the files on the table and left the room.

After half an hour or so there was an another knock on my door , "Come in" I said

"Did i disturb you" it was Rhitojha mam.

"No mam".I swallowed hard

She came inside the room and sat on the chair, "Checking work report."

"Yes mam".Again there was a knock on my door.

" Come in "Rhitojha mam said,again the same peon comes in and said"Mam,this envelope has come for you."

"Show me".peon gave that envelope to Rhitojha mam.

"Is there any letter in it mam"I asked her

" No, it just has a slip".mam took out that slip and seen it.

"What the fuck" she said angrily

"What's written on it mam?" I asked her.She threw that slip towards me. I picked up that slip and read it,only one word was written in it 'RAIN'.

" RAIN? "I said

"What does it means?" Rhitojha mam said

"Someone is kidding with you mam".I said

"Where did you get it" Mam asked the peon

"From the doorstep of the office mam" peon answered

"Ok go".He lefts the room

Then mam told me that"Next week I am go back to Ireland"."You are one of my best employers, she continued".

"Thanks mam".

"You have the responsibilities of this branch".

"I will always try to keep this company as the best mam".

"I want you to keep the reputation of this company as it is, It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.I worked very hard to build the reputation of this company and i don't wanna lose it, i hope you understand".

" Yes mam".

"Good".She lefts the room.


Then after office I was walking towards my house but on the way someone called my name. I turned back. Nirmalya sir was on the other side of the road urging me to come towards him.I went towards him and said" Good evening sir".

"I thought I'd drop you home".

"Thank you sir but I can go home by myself."

"I'm also going in the same direction I'll drop you on the way come".

"Aaa... ok sir".He dropped me in front of Pratap's street food corner. Eve was already there.

When Eve saw Nirmalya sir, she went to him and said"Good evening sir".But Nirmalya sir did not say anything to her and left from there.

"let's sit" I said to her

"Ya".she said

"So how was the first day at the office?"

"Not as bad as I thought".At the same time Pratap came to us and said "I'm sorry guys, today the stall is closed because I have to go out."

"Ohh.. Where are you going pratap? " we asked him

"Aaa... i am going on a date".pratap said and blushed.

"What, really? "

"I knew you both would react like this".

"Sorry and congratulations".

" Thanks and I must go now".

"Sure".Pratap leaves from there

"Maybe today I'll have to make my dinner by myself".I was just saying this when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back.It was Peter. He went towards Eve, he seemed angry.

"You know today i gave four interviews".

" That's good"."Eve said

"Shut up".

"I have given interviews in every company since weeks but you know why I am not getting job Eve".

" Why? "she said

" Because of your boss, With whom I had a fight in that bar".

" He can't do that."

He has done this, he has told the CEOs of every company that "Peter wales means me should not get any type of job in their companies because of you".

"Because of me you insulted him, right".

"why didn't you stop me".

"Good the pot calling the kettle black, you know what's your problem is You never admit your mistakes."

"Eve"Peter said angrily and slapped her. I went towards him and grabs his neck but in a fit of rage he hit me hard on the nose, I fell to the ground maybe my nose was bleeding. But I stood up again and said to him "You coward".

"How dare you? "He was about to hit me another punch but someone grabbed his hand from behind. It was Nirmalya sir. He hit a strong punch on Peter's face, he fells to the ground.Peter got up and started moving towards Nirmalya sir but Nirmalya sir again punched him hard.Now Peter did not have the courage to fight with Nirmalya sir again.He was just staring at Eve angrily. Nirmalya sir took out a bundle of money from inside his suit and threw it towards him and said " your hospital's bill ".Peter left silently.

"If you show up here again, you will be in very bad condition."Nirmalya sir said then he turned towards me and said"You need a bandage for your nose Mr. Ravi".

" No sir I'm fine ".

"You both should go home now".Nirmalya sir said

" Thank you sir ".Eve said to Nirmalya sir

He just nodded and lefts from there.