"How is your story so strange?" Commissioner asked

"There are no strange stories sir, there are strange fates that make stories strange". Prisoner said

" Ok so what happened next?"

"I don't want to tell but I don't have any choice right

so listen I was shocked to see her at the doorstep of my house,she was looking at me as if she wanted to say something to me. Before I could say anything to her, she hugged me hard.I didn't hugged her back. I didn't move away either but soon too soon I pushed her back. " Priscilla "I said

"What,can a friend not even hug his friend?" she said

"You are not my friend"my voice was trembling with anger

"I know you're angry with me, but I can explain"she said

"You are just a liar who tried to ruin my whole life just for revenge"my anger was no longer in my control

"Yes I admit I was wrong but you don't know how sorry i am for that".

" Priscilla love the way you lie".

" Give me a chance to explain please".

"What is left to explain"my voice was echoing throughout the house, "When you lied you once thought what would happen to me"I was saying it as if I wanted to say all this long ago.

" Ravi please "tears were flowing from her eyes, But I started saying without paying attention to her tears that "You never even came to meet me, to see that I am alive or died".

"Don't say that please, I wanted to come but Uncle Jonas strongly forbade us from meeting you or having any contact".

Well Jeny and Robert came to see me. I wanted to say that but could not say"Never take his name in front of me"I started hating uncle since from our last meeting.

"How can you say that, he loved you".

" No he don't,and not only that he misunderstood me".I said loudly

Then Priscilla said softly that "No ravi, he loved you so much that he lost his life by going away from you."

I couldn't bear this and sat on the floor. I was remembering all the memories spent with him as if it was all yesterday, But now I can't make any memories with him. I wanted to tell him many things like I am innocent, I also wanted to tell him that how much I love him but now I will never be able to tell him anything because he had left me forever. I don't know when I started crying, Then Priscilla put her hand on my shoulder and said "Everyone is not permanent in your life".

"Please leave"I said.

" But.... "

"We'll talk tomorrow".

"Ok but take care".



"Does that family still live in the same place where I used to live with them?"

"Aaa.. Jeny and Robert live somewhere out but aunt Alina still lives there".

" Thanks now go".The sound of the door opening and closing came from behind me. After a while I got up from the floor and sat on the couch. Nirmalya sir had already finished half of the wine bottle which was kept in front of me. I opened it and drank some wine. I opened that photo album and started searching for Uncle's photo.I found a photo of him in which he was looking very young. That was a photo of a picnic.This photo was probably taken by my father, In that photo I was in my mother's lap and uncle was smiling looking at me standing right next to my mother. I drink more wine and keep looking at the photo. I don't know when i fell asleep. When I opened my eyes in the morning, I found that I was sleeping on the floor and I was having severe pain in my head.I sat there thinking about last night that's when someone knocked on my door. When I opened the door, I saw that Eve was standing outside.

"Good morning"she said

" Good morning "I replied

"Did someone come to your house last night?"


"Someone's shouting was coming from your house".She said hesitantly

"No, no one came here".I lied

"Oh..,you don't want to go to office today".she said

"Of course, I have to go to the office but why did you ask this".

"Look at the time".I looked at the wall clock, it was 9.30 am.

"Oh shit I am late".

"Of course you are late".she said

"You are just leaving for office right".

" Ya why?"

"Just wait for 5 minutes, I will also leave for office with you."


I got ready as soon as possible and left for the office with Eve. We took a taxi because we were getting late,Eve's phone rang while we were in the taxi. She took it out from her pocket. The screen flashed 'Naiza calling'."Hi", she said into the phone. She listened as Naiza spoke for a while.

" Have they contact him?"


" Don't worry he will come back, okay bye ".

"Who was she?" I asked her

"Naiza one of the assistant manager of our company".

"Is there any problem".

" Ya, Richard an assistant manager of our company who is also Naiza's boyfriend has not been coming to office for several days."

"Is he is on holiday?"

"No, maybe some personal work".

"Ya maybe".I said

I dropped her to her office and then I reached my office,I came to my cabin and started signing papers. After a while someone knocked on the door of my cabin. "Come in" I said

The door opened and a peon enters and said"Sir Neha mam is calling you".


I quickly reached her cabin. She was checking a file. "Good morning mam"I said

" Good morning "She gestured for me to sit.

She passed an envelope towards me and said"This stuff is being given to you by the company,open it".

" Okay mam"I hurriedly opened the envelope, inside it was a paper and two keys.

"Aa.. what is this mam?" I asked her

She looked up from the file and said that "You will get the rest of the details at the reception".After saying this, she started checking the files.

"Okay mam"I reached the reception. I was very nervous.

" Hey"I said to the receptionist

"Ya sir".

"I want some details about an envelope"I gave her that envelope.

"Sure sir".

She studied the paper for a while and then said "You have got a bungalow and a car from the company, congratulations sir".

" Seriously"I said

"Yes sir, here is the address of your bungalow"She gave me a card, and started checking register.

" Any problem "I asked her

"Sir, a staff named Remington who handles the stuff department, has not been coming for a few days."

"Never mind i'll get the car some other day"I said

"No problem sir you can take the car today just give me 5 minutes"She looked at the paper again and took out a file and started searching for something in it.

I stood there silently then at the same time"Good morning sir"I looked back,Miss Jennifer was standing right behind me.

"Good morning"

"what's the matter sir why you are so happy?"She asked meI told her the whole thing, she happily listened to me and then said "Congratulations sir".

"Thanks", Then the receptionist said that "sir, the car in shed number 14 of the office car parking area is your car".

"Thanks for helping me"I said to the receptionist

" It's my job Sir ".The receptionist said with a smile

"I would also like to see that car"Jennifer said

" Okay no problem".We were both leaving that's when the receptionist said that "Sir keys".

" Oh.. sorry ".

I was very excited to see the car, Me and Jennifer hurried to the parking shed. We looked at shed number 14 and found that there was a black mercedes car parked, it looked brand new.

"Sir really it's very beautiful"Jennifer said

" Ya, true"I was just looking at the car, I quickly went to the car and opened it with the help of the keys. "True life is lived when tiny changes occur."I said

"Your life was going well, isn't it" Commissioner said

"Ya sir but someone was coming to ruin my life".

" Who?"

"Listen, somewhere in London, 2 people tied to chairs were surrounded by 8 people.Then the sound of someone's footsteps came. Those 8 people greeted the 1 man who had just arrived,

"Both of them have been brought from MRK and TAIS company,right"he asked them

"Yes sir".

" Good "He reached the two men who were bound,

"So" he said holding that man's hairs "I will ask you a question if you answer me correctly then I will allow you to go".The man nodded his head in fear

"So the question is death is more scary or the face of death,you have only 2 mins to answer the question so your time start now".

" Death, death is more scary ".

"Okay get me a screwdriver"he ordered his man

A man gave him a screwdriver.

" See"

He put that screwdriver in the eye of the other tied man, The other man screamed very loudly and then he stopped moving.The first man was trembling when he saw this.

"You got scared means your answer was wrong".

"Please leave me"that man screamed

" Sorry I can't "he poked the screwdriver into that man's neck. That man screamed loudly.

"It's fun to do something like this after being in jail for a long time, you know what to do with them, right".

"Yes sir"one of his man said

"Good,now it's time to give them a nice message".