"Someone sent a dead body to your office, that too by courier"Commissioner said

"They fitted the dead body very well in that parcel"

the prisoner said in a funny way.

"Didn't you feel strange seeing such a thing"

"Obviously I feel strange sir but after that I saw many such things which were even more strange and scary than that".

"Ok so what happened next?"

"Police came, investigation took place, the one who was in charge of our place wanted to talk to me in private, When we got to my cabin he told me "You're new here right".

"Yes I have joined only two months ago".

"The man whose dead body was found was missing for a few days, right".

"Ya"I looked at his badge, it was written Ronit gliss.

Then the officer's phone starts ringing.

"Ya", he said into the phone. he listened as someone spoke for a while and said"Okay I'm coming",then he told me that"One such parcel has also arrived in the office of MRK company."

"Has anyone's dead body been found in that too?"I asked him

" Yes, I have to go there".

"can I go there with you"He looked at me suspiciously

"I know Nirmalya sir, I should be there at this time"

He looked at me for a while after hearing the name of Nirmalya sir and then said "You gotta get in your car, you can't come with me

"Okay no problem".


We both reached MRK company's office,There were already some police officers stationed there.

That officer started talking to an officer standing there.I looked at the reception, there was a parcel on the reception table that was being checked by a forensic pathologist. A short distance from the reception, Eve was explaining something to a girl by placing her hand on her shoulder, that girl was looking very sad. I reached Eve, her face was also pale, "Somebody's dead body has come here too, right"Hearing this, the girl who was standing next to Eve started crying.Eve gestured for me to shut up.

"Naiza you should go home now and take rest" Eve said to that girl.

"But I just want to see him one last time, please" That girl said

"No one is allowed to go near him right now, listen to me go home"The girl nodded softly and left.

"Who was this girl"I asked Eve.

"She is Naiza, do you remember yesterday when we were in the taxi, I talked to someone on the phone."

"Yeah, one of your friend's Bf was mixing right".

"It was Naiza I talked to,I told you yesterday".

"Maybe I forgot".

"And whose dead body has come today, it is that of her boyfriend Richard."

"Ohh... was a paper pasted on his head with RAIN written on it?"I don't know why I asked such a strange question.

"Yes absolutely".

"Where's sir?I asked her

"He is in his cabin, his father is also with him."

"Thanks"After saying this, I went towards Nirmalya sir's cabin.As usual the guards were guarding outside his cabin, But this time they didn't stop me.

I reached inside the cabin.Nirmalya sir was thinking something while standing towards the window, and his father Arnab Robertson was sitting on the chair and staring at a small piece of paper,I said good morning to both Nirmalya sir didn't say anything but Arnab sir asked me to sit.

I sat there silently for a while, then Arnab sir said to me in a very serious voice that "Did you also have a paper pasted on the head of the dead body on which it was written" He threw a paper towards me whose corner looked kinda red. RAIN was written on that paper too.

"Yes sir" I answered

He looked at Nirmalya sir and said"Nirmalya", But Nirmalya sir was still looking outside the window.

"Nirmalya"this time he said loudly

"Yes dad"Nirmalya sir said.

"Some reporters are going to come in a while, You have to meet them and then I want you to meet the district administrator once."

"Won't you stay with me while I talk to reporters".

"If you want to sit on this chair after me, then you should know how to handle the press, But if you want me to be with you then I will be with you while talking to reporters,and I want Mr Ravi to be with us too".

"I will be there sir" I said

Then the door of the room opened and the same officer came in.

"Mr Arnab I want to ask you some questions, in private" he said looking at me.

"You can call me uncle Ronit, there is no one here in front of whom you have to call me sir"Arnab sir said with a smile.

"The police uniform is looking good on you"Nirmalya sir said in a funny way.

"When will you stop humiliating people" That officer said

Seeing the expression on my face, Arnab sir told me that "he's my sister's son."

"Ohhh... "

"It is kinda strange to find such dead bodies in both the big companies."The officer said

"Yes it is weird"Arnab sir said

Then Nirmalya sir said to the officer that"It will be good if you also answer the questions of reporters with us."

"Don't get me into your mess"he said

"I think Nirmalya is right, you should be in press meet"Arnab sir said

"If you say then I will be there uncle".

After a while the door of the room opened and 4 people came in, two of them had cameras in their hands and the rest was a boy and... Priscilla.She looked at me but didn't say anything, maybe she was understanding the situation there.We were sitting on one side of the table and the reporters on the other.

Then the reporter who came with Priscilla said that "My question is to Arnab sir that you do not think that what has happened is not a coincidence."

"I didn't understand the meaning of your question Mr Aniket".

He was looking shocked to hear his name from Arnab sir, he was the same reporter whom I had also seen on the last press meet.

"I meant that a few days ago there was a contract between both the companies and today the dead bodies of employees were found in the office of both the companies, it does not seem to be a coincidence."

"Neither you nor I can tell this.Police is doing its job, if we get any information, we will inform you."Arnab sir said

"Officer did you know how these people were murdered?"Priscilla asked the officer

"According to the reports, both the people have been killed by the screwdriver."

"Have the police got any clue about the murder?"Aniket asked the officer

"No but we are trying our best".

"Do you suspect a person?"Priscilla asked

" No, any more questions"Arnab sir said

No one said anything.

"Now you all can leave" Arnab sir said to reporters.

Priscilla looked at me before leaving, "Who was that girl?"Nirmalya sir was standing next to me.

"Why did you ask this question sir?"

"She was just looking at you in the whole press meet".Then Arnab sir called Nirmalya sir towards him.

I stood there alone.