I was standing there silently that's when Nirmalya sir told me in a light voice that "such things in life have to be seen at some step or the other, this is life."

Robert's body was lying on the ground in front of me, visible in the dim light of the moon. Rudraneel was sitting on the ground with his head bowed. I had no idea what to do. I just wanted to leave.

"I think you should go home Ravi"Arnab sir said to me.

When I started leaving that's when "I'm sure you'll keep this secret"Arnab sir said with a smile.

"I won't say anything to anyone".

"That would be right for you"Arnab sir said.

I left from there.

Even my parents death hadn't left me so sleepless. I was too nervous to call or message someone because what I had just seen made my heart tremble. I tried to sleep but it was too hard for me. I was just staring the ceiling of my room. Soon I drifted off into a dream about the Graveyard.

In the office, Ritojha mam was back and we were all in a meeting,I couldn't focus on the contractor's plans for our company's new upcoming factory. I was sitting on the faculty meeting like a zombie, staring at my glass non-stop.

"Any problem sir" Jennifer asked me.She was sitting next to me.

"No, nothing".

"What's the problem?"Ritojha mam asked.

"Mam,there lives an old lady who is not ready to sell her house, we explained her a lot, we also talked about giving her a good price but she did not agree.All the people of that area sold their house to us but that old lady has insisted that she will not sell the house"the contractor said.

"I will not stay here for long,So I am give you two days' time to solve this problem"Ritojha mam said.

"Ok mam"that contractor said.

Everyone started going out of the room, then Ritojha mam said that "Mr.Ravi,wait".I stopped there, that contractor was also standing there.

"I want you to go to that place with Mr Tushar and tell that woman how important that land is to us"she said.

" As you say mam"I said

"We have to leave now because that place is far away from here"The contractor said.

"It's upon you" she said.

We both started leaving the room that's when Ritojha mam said that "Ravi I want to talk to you about something important. Mr Tushar,you wait outside".

"Ok mam" he said and left the room.

"I hope that you must have liked the stuffs that you have received from the company."

"I am thankful for that ma'am!"I said

" Good, I want to tell you that today 4 security guards are being allotted to you by the company."

"Thanks mam but I don't need it" I said

"I'm not asking you whether you want or not, and given the current situation, it is necessary".

I just nodded.

"Now you can go".

I came out of the room.That contractor was waiting for me outside.

"The construction work of this office is great"he said looking around.But before I could answer, he said, "Because I did it."I thought to myself that this man is a little strange.Both of us were leaving the office that's when "sir, sir"receptionist was calling me.

" Just a minute "I told that contractor and reached to the receptionist.


"Sir you have to take those people with you too"

She pointed me to some people who were standing next to the office gate, their clothes were almost black, they also wore dark glasses and their body was no less than a wrestler.

"They are my personal guards right".

" Yes sir "

"So do I have to take them in my car?"

"No sir, they will come with you in there jeep".

" Oh ok"

"Have a nice day sir".

I signalled those guards to follow me,although I found it a bit strange to do so. We got into my car.The black leather felt warm.

"Nice car sir"He said while sitting comfortably on his seat.

"Thanks, but it's not mine it belongs to the company".

"Still, at least you are able to drive such a car".

Do you have any idea where we are going…? .

"I just told you all about that place"he said looking at me strangely.

"I don't know that address well".

"Oh.. ok sir you drive, I will keep telling you which way we have to take.By the way when did you move to london sir".

I looked how I felt-offended.

" Sorry sir, I shouldn't have asked this question, but don't worry sir I will guide you".

"Thanks" I was getting very angry with myself because I had not paid any attention to the meeting.

I was driving for almost two hours, He kept telling me where I have to take turn, which way to follow.

Looking at the place around me, I felt that I have come here before.We were now crossing a college whose name was written on its gate ,College of Eternity.The college where I spent the most memorable years of my life.My hands were now slipping off the steering wheel.

"Any problem sir?" he asked me, but I kept quiet.

I also slowed down the speed of the car.

I stopped the car after coming a little further.

Now there were two roads in front of me, one way which went towards the city and the other way which went towards the colony where I never wanted to go again in my life.

"We have to take right turn, which goes towards the city, isn't it"I said

" No sir, we have to take left".


"Because that place is over there, sir."

"Oh.. ok"I prepared myself to suffer the past.

We entered the colony.

All the houses in the colony were almost same as before.The houses on one side of the colony were lying vacant and the houses on the other side had the same light as before.

"Our company has purchased this site Right" I asked him.

"Yes sir".

There was a lot of decoration outside a house of the other side.

" Stop the car, sir"he said

I stopped the car.

"That's the house."he pointed me to the house where I once lived.The garden outside the house was completely destroyed.Just then the door of the house opened and a man came out of the house. The clothes that man was wearing were used to be mine.He was Alan.

"U again?" he said looking at the contractor.But then his eyes fell on me.He came towards me and looks at me for a while.

"It's me Alan" I said in a lazy voice.

"Ravi, right"he said with a smile.

I just nodded.

" After a long time, you must have come to meet your aunty right ".

Mr Tushar looked confused.

"Come with me"He took my hand and started taking me inside the house. I asked Mr Tushar and the guards to follow me. The house seems lonely.he brought us to the hall.

"You guys please sit" he said and lefts the room.

"Sir what's happening" Mr. Tushar asked me.

"Please keep quiet".

Then came the sound of someone coming down the stairs.An old lady came in, she was Aunty Alina, Her face had changed slightly and her body was a bit jittery.I turned my face to the other side.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I won't sell the house"Aunty said to Mr. Tushar, So obviously she didn't see me.

"But madam today the manager of our company has come to meet you."

"Hey mister, I told your man before and still tell you today that I will not sell the land".

I turned towards aunty.

" Ravi....