The purple dungeon (NSFW)

After 1 hour and 30min, he finally slowed down and checked the level of the magic beasts that were around them.

Well, they were in the right place, he could feel that they were getting stronger and stronger, he then followed the way where the most powerful of them were and he didn't take him long to feel not one but two dungeons.

The disturbance of the spiritual energy of the first dungeon was unusual and he had to keep sinking where the magical beasts got more and more powerful to approach it, while the second dungeon seemed to be just like the one of the last time.

The curiosity took over him and he chose to go for the one who was unusual.

Kevin had sensed his hesitation but he didn't know why and he could only wait and ask him later as he couldn't communicate with Axel when he was in his wolf form.