Having a hard time to believe it

A beaming smile appeared on Kevin's face and he told him : "I'm fine now, you don't have to worry anymore."

Kevin took the opportunity to position himself more comfortably in his arms and he asked him curiously : "Why are you naked ?"

Axel looked at him tenderly and said : "You still had a nightmare despite having stayed with you all the time, and when I saw you struggling in your sleep I have wanted to kill those bastards who had made you undergo this, except that for you I have become the enemy that you had to kill."

Kevin was looking at him with shocked eyes, and then he pulled away from him and began to search on his body to see if there were any injuries.

Axel chuckled and he took him back in his arms, he said to reassure him : "Nothing bad happened, I told you I will be careful if it will happen again."