Have you thought about it yet ?

What amazed Kevin was that it only took 4 demonstrations for Erik to grab the sequences of movements he used to create an opening to strike at the throat, and not only that, Erik had also learned how and when he could use them.

Kevin had created a lot of sequences of movements that allowed each time to hit a vital point, no matter how his opponents chose to attack, he only needed to deflect one punch or one kick to take the control of the fight and strike where it hurt the most.

That was why he wanted Erik to understand the importance of deflecting an attack, because it would provide him with all the opportunity he needed to win a fight.

And so, Kevin kept showing his sequences of movements to Erik, and when he told him that it was okay, and that he had assimilated the sequences of movements that he wanted him to learn, he was testing him by playing the guinea pig to check if Erik had understood them correctly.