I wanna have a little fun

Kevin smirked, he had just gained 4 levels again, he could see that the need for experience points to level up was getting higher and higher, but thanks to those purple dungeons, he could still level up steadily.

Kevin could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body again and he loved that feeling, he couldn't wait to fight again.

He really liked living in this world and he hoped to be able to put an end to this conflict with these Gods, if he really wanted to start a family with Axel he had no other choice.

A smile appeared on his face as he imagined how Axel would behave with their baby phoenix.

Even though technically this phoenix would only be a baby in name, because at birth he would already possess all the knowledge of his ancestors, and therefore he would already be an adult in a way, he was sure that Axel would be very happy.