A shared vision

Tarik smirked and he didn't apologize because he had said what he thought, however he said serious again : "If the Titans have been planning for a long time to obtain Acrium, then we should be able to find plans of the weapons they intend to craft, and now that Diana has passed on her God powers to her dear daughter, only Cassandra or Lilith would be able to craft them."

Miguel then said to him : "Wrong, Cassandra is manipulative and her mother according to what Elias told us was even worse than her, they may have rallied other Gods who wish to see the reign of terror return, we cannot exclude this possibility and we must be particularly wary of those who could provide them with a significant tactical advantage."

He saw that all of his men had just become fully aware of what he had just told them and the consequences that this possibility might have, and they all instantly became serious.