Do you prefer dogs or ghosts ?

Axel answered immediately because he had already checked earlier knowing that Kevin would eventually ask him the question : "The boss of the dungeon is much stronger than the others and otherwise there are 5 summoners."

Kevin then told them : "We'll end up clearing everything later here, let's take care of this boss and these summoned creatures first."

Kevin immediately climbed on Axel's back and he told him : "Go, the others will catch up with us later !"

Immediately the golden tattoos appeared all over Axel's body and he moved so fast that Mason couldn't help but ask : "Did they teleport directly into the boss room ?"

Mykael laughed then and he said to them : "No, my son is just moving too fast for your eyes to follow... It seems that Kevin is still a little traumatized by what happened to Alan last time, though he'll never admit it, so he just wants to make sure things don't get out of hand and that you're all safe.