The future surely had many good surprises in store for them

Kelan smiled, it was exactly what he had hoped to hear and suddenly they heard Solomon's worried voice : "Sora, are you okay ?"

Miguel looked at her and saw that she was very pale and about to faint, so he went to her but after checking her condition he could only say to her sympathetically : "Sorry Sora, there's nothing I can do to help you, it's the aftermath of your release, and the overload of emotions you've been through, your body and mind need to rest, that's all."

Sora whispered her sister's name and Solomon took her in his arms again before she collapsed on the floor and as he could see that she really didn't want to leave her sister, he then suggested her : "I'll stay here with you, we'll sit right behind Lena against the wall and if you fall asleep, I'll wake you up as soon as your sister is done, is that okay ?"

Sora nodded weakly and Solomon didn't even have time to get to the spot he had told her that she had already passed out.