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Axel then continued : "I don't know how it is in the other Sects, but the system that has been established in the Sun Sect is a system that is fair and gives everyone a chance no matter what their background is, there is no shortcut and you receive reward through your hard work."

He then said to the members of the other Sects who were present : "As Kevin announced earlier, your leaders will be punished and they will also all be banned from your respective Sects.

But like the members of the capital academy, if they can afford it, they will be able to form a new Sect in a region far from the capital and the purple dungeons.

What we propose is that you elect new leaders for your Sects, preferably from among those who have participated in the battle, and we would like you to be able to offer all of your members the same benefits that we have in the Sun Sect.