His punishment to have insulted us

Chris then bowed his head and he said to Dilan a little akwardly: "Well, master, I have the same issue as most of the kids of the powerful families, I didn't take part in the test to enter the Capital's Academy, that's why I'm here, please, allow me to stay at the Sun Sect, because I'm still too young to apply to be a soldier officially under your command."

Dilan then looked at his family who were looking at Chris completely stunned and he asked Chris: "As I said in that letter, you can apply in the other sects or wait for the former leaders of the Capital's Academy to establish a new sect, so why do you so desperately want become one member of the Sun Sect?"

Chris then clenched his fists and he said to Dilan: "Master, in order to become powerful, I need to raid purple dungeons to get experiences… Now that the war with the demons has ended, I won't be able to gain experiences by fighting at the border anymore."