The other side of the impenetrable barrier

Axel had just teleported to the prison dimension for Miguel to pick him up and when he arrived, Miguel immediately said to him: "Axel, thank you for offering to help us, we don't usually accept outsiders on our team but in this case we're glad you're here."

Miguel then added: "There are a few rules you have to follow though."

When Axel nodded, Miguel continued: "In reality there is only one rule, you must obey my orders at all times, even if I order you all to retreat.

Don't hesitate for a moment and teleport yourself back here with my men and wait for further orders, is that understood?"

Axel nodded again and Miguel then told him with a smile: "As for your powers, you can use them as you wish, the force field I placed around us is strong enough to completely mask our energy signatures.

Even if a Knight of Darkness is on the other side of this impenetrable barrier, he won't be able to detect us."