Why were you so furious anyways?

Roman then said to Ulyss: "Let's go to the neutral dimension, it will be easier to deal with them over there, they are right, this world would blow up if we were to fight here."

Ulyss just nodded, he had come the day before hidding under a powerful force shield and it was then that he had felt these Warrior Spirits.

After the losses they had suffered in the last few days Ulyss dreamed of revenge and when he had sensed those Warrior Spirits in this world he had immediately returned to Lilith personal Dimension to prepare to face them.

He had only sensed 5 of them but he knew that Elias' personal army consisted of at least 50 Warrior Spirits and a few other allies.

As for them, their numbers were limited because their main army was on the world of the Titans and so, after receiving Lilith's permission, they had gathered the Legendary creatures that had managed to become Knights of Darkness and at first he had only taken the most powerful ones with them.